Ok, I've been a lurker for a while, and followed the fairly
recent BizTalk discussion here.  Now, I'm facing a BizTalk
implementation with EDI usage of my own, and I wondered if
anyone has done it, and could answer some nagging questions for

1)  With BizTalk's restriction on creating single transactions
per envelope on outbound data, have your trading partners
complained about it?  Or did you implement a batching solution,
and if so, how are you now keeping track of control numbers?

2)  From my understanding, BizTalk will fail an inbound
document on the first error it encounters, and not process any
remaining transactions within the envelope (for example, if you
receive 3 850's in your envelope, and the first one fails, it
won't process the other 2).  What has your experience been with
this limitation?  Is it fairly uncommon, or is it a constant
pain in the you-know?

3)  Are you using 997 functionality built into BizTalk, and if
so, how is it working for you?  My understanding, again, is
that if it works, it doesn't work well.  I'm trying to confirm

4)  Some things I've researched lead me to believe that if an
outbound EDI document doesn't have any data for the segment,
the record ID is still created (for example, you have a NTE
specified, but there's no note, so it creates just the NTE with
nothing else on the line).  Is this correct in your experience,
and how have you worked around it?

Any help that anyone could provide (either privately or on the
list) would be extremely helpful to me.  If warranted, I'd be
happy to post here the results of this informal poll.  It might
come in handy as more people explore using BizTalk for their
EDI and XML systems.

John Miller,
Miller Associates

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