Actually David, I think there's "growing" interest in the whole space where
Biztalk and other similar products offer services but right now I'd have a
problem supporting the concept of a "pretty active" user group.

Here's a snippit from an email from someone who is pretty involved in the
local Seattle Biztalk group, name withheld to protect the innocent :
"The Seattle BizTalk SIG was started in January and had about 30 people at
the first few meetings but only had 10 people at the last meeting so the
user group is on hold, probably until this fall when more interest and
demand is there."

There's also been a call or 2 for regional ebXML user groups. My take is
there's general growing community interest in these things but as the
technology and products are still in the early development stages, it's hard
to really find an authorative body of experience and all in all it's still
'day 1'.


-----Original Message-----
From: david frenkel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: BizTalk for EDI, anyone?

In case you are not aware there is a several sites for biztalk, and  You might
have better luck getting answers from user groups, the one in Seattle is
pretty active for obvious reasons and
I think Microsoft people watch the listserv,
Dave Frenkel
----- Original Message -----
From: Beecher, Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: BizTalk for EDI, anyone?

> In my case, BT was forced on me (two consecutive years) for political
> reasons. Each time, I simply "gave it enough rope", and it went away.
> If you want to place safe bets, the rule of thumb for Microsoft products
> that they
> generally "get it right" by version 3. (This is according to Microsoft)
> >
> [the Three Choices]
>         1) "not to worry"
>         2) "here are the problems, but we've found a way to get around
>         3) "run away as fast as you can".
> > I'm hoping the Final Answer lies somewhere between the first 2.
> >
> Heh.  With that kind of EDI strategy by that kind of company, I think the
> Final Answer is 42.     (Douglas Adams, RIP.)
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