No, we have not.  We have not dealt with them as people.  We have sent the
CIA in to manipulate their governments and execute their leaders.  We have
used them as we have used every third world country, to further our own
ends.  We have used the Israelis as our handmaiden of political expansion
and control. To believe we are the cool headed statesmen is to buy into our
own propaganda.

We have gone in with the arrogant attitude that we and our way is better.
Conform or we will wipe you out.  America is a great nation and I am proud
to be an American.  I served in the mid 70's when military service was very
unfashionable.  But I know this, we can be very arrogant when we deal with
those that are different from us.

Retaliation, retribution and punishment are not the answer.  We have tried
this also, it only gets people killed, and pisses off those that survive.
It's a spiral down, not up.

My solution?  Understanding.  bin Ladan, if he is the guilty party in this
instance, is probably not a reasonable man.  But you can be sure the
hundreds of his minions that would be killed in a U.S. attack are reasonable
men.  They are every bit as loving, god fearing, intelligent and worthy as
the hundreds of American soldiers that would be involved in the attack.  To
cause their deaths would serve no purpose, solve no problems.  It would only
be the equivalent of throwing gasoline on a fire.

Jesus taught us, Martin Luther King taught us, Peace and love are the only
viable solution.  Understand the people of these countries.  They don't want
war any more then we do.  Bush wants war, Ladan want war.  It furthers their
power, success will make them look good.  The people never want war.  We in
America have a unique position (power): our leaders work for us.  We are in

I'm not saying we can't get through this without the removal of people like
bin Ladan (killing them if that's what it takes).  But it is very wrong to
believe that retaliation is the solution.  It's even worse to view these
people as less than us.  Only when we view them as brothers and sisters can
we begin to solve our differences.

Steve O

Columbia City, Indiana

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lee LoFrisco [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 8:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Air Travel in the Aftermath of the Terrorist Attack
> We have dealt with these people in the past with rhetoric, treaties,
> commisions, peacekeepers, etc.  I ask you in all earnst, what
> do YOU propose?
> Lee
> >--- Original Message ---
> >From: "Stephen O'Shaughnessy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: 9/13/01 9:15:24 AM
> >
> >Why don't we deal with the people who are our
> >enemies?  "Love your enemies..." to quote a wise tome.
> >
> >I've heard all kinds of rhetoric about revenge, retaliation,
> >and punishment.  All kinds of talk about beefing up security
> >and the resulting loss of civil freedoms.  But nothing about
> >dealing with the real, core, problem of the differences
> >between two peoples.
> >
> >They are not wild, godless, savages.  They are dedicated, loving
> >intelligent human beings.  They are as dedicated to their
> >cause as we are to ours.  Their attack did not come out of the
> >blue, without provocation.  We attacked first, in 1998, with
> >a cruise missile attack on them.  Sure, it goes 'round and
> >'round, but we are not innocent here.
> >
> >The problem is not airport security or the lack of it.  The
> problem
> >is not hamstrung intelligence organizations.  The problem is
> >a difference in two peoples and our refusal to accept them
> >as brothers and sisters under one God.
> >
> >Nearly every American today, from school children to the elderly,
> >can cite the details of this weeks tragedy.  Everyone is talking
> >about security and now starting to point fingers.  Yet no one
> >is talking about the perpetrators as people.  No one is talking
> >about their religion and no one is talking about our differences.
> >
> >And that is the problem.  Reconciling those differences is the
> solution.
> >
> >Steve O
> >Columbia City, Indiana
> >

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