There are times when waiting is the only option ...

I FAX'ed my K3 order the first day and waited seven months
for delivery.  I knew that going into the deal, but I was
confident it would be worth it ... and it was! There weren't any alternatives ... for me, anyway. I had a new K2 and
that made the wait easier. (:-))

I wouldn't have wanted Elecraft to "ramp up" production.
That brings with it "troubles", and I we've seen some
evidence of that in recent months. It means hiring new staff ... perhaps into not enough work space ... that don't have the Elecraft "genes" and that require "nurturing".
Witness the missing 4-40 nuts in Australia ...

I recently purchased a Heil HS that came packed in an
incorrect shipping container, resulting in a crushed Heil
box. No damage to the HS, but still the result of a staffer who either didn't know or care about "details". Elecraft is a company that's what it is because of attention to "details".

"We'll ship no wine until it's time" comes to mind ....

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP
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