Kirk Wallace wrote:
> I did my first CNC lathe thread today. I actually got a thread which, on
> a first try, I didn't expect. I entered parameters for a 20 tpi thread
> and got something like 23 tpi. When I setup the spindle parameters in
> the ini file, I assumed that the encoder input scale should equal the
> number of pulses per revolution (1250 cpr x 4 p/cpr = 5000 ppr).
> --- hnc-3a.ini ---
> ...
> # Encoder
> INPUT_SCALE =                   5000
> OUTPUT_SCALE =                  1
> # DAC output to VFD
> DAC_SCALE =                     320
> ...
> ---
> My thinking is that INPUT_SCALE should not need to be adjusted by cut
> and try, so if the thread tpi is not correct, it must be an encoder
> problem? Maybe missing pulses or noise adding pulses? Thanks for any
> replies.
It could be anything, so you have to investigate.  First, put 
halmeter on the HAL pin  ppmc.0.encoder.2.count, rotate the 
spindle to a known position, and read thhe halmeter value.
(The above assumes you have the spindle encoder on axis 2, if it 
is on axis 3 use that number between encoder and count.)  Now, 
turn the spindle exactly one turn and read again.  The 
difference should be equal to the expected 5000 counts.  If it 
is not, then you should do it 5 times, and see if you get wildly 
varying numbers or some consistent value.  You should check your 
pulley and belts for slippage.  One other good test is to set up 
halscope to look at, which is the change 
in encoder reading every servo cycle.  Run the spindle, and you 
should get a straight line, possibly with a lot of jitter, as 
the encoder is doubly quantized (can't count half a count, only 
whole integers, then it is sampled 1000 times a second by the
servo update cycle.)  But, if it shows sharp jumps or dips other 
than the +/- one count of quantization noise, that indicates a 
problem with the encoder.  It is possible that everything up to 
this point was fine because the spindle drive was off, now that 
you've turned on the VFD it is creating noise in the encoder 

If the spindle encoder is working fine, then you have to look at 
the calibration of the other axes.  A 1" travel dial indicator 
with magnetic mount is great for doing these tests.  move to a
place where the indicator reads zero, then move 1/2 inch away 
and see if the indicator registers a .500" move.  You can also 
check your backlash this way.

If you haven't done the servo tuning yet, you have no business 
putting a cutter and workpiece in the machine, it could be half 
an inch out of position and you wouldn't know.


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