Chris Radek wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 12:31:42PM -0700, Kirk Wallace wrote:
>>My thinking is that INPUT_SCALE should not need to be adjusted by cut
>>and try, so if the thread tpi is not correct, it must be an encoder
>>problem? Maybe missing pulses or noise adding pulses? Thanks for any
> I agree, you definitely won't get it right by guess-and-check.  The
> motion.spindle-revs pin should be revolutions (mark the chuck, turn it
> exactly ten revs, see if motion.spindle-revs increases by 10.0).
> Yours will be off, you have to just figure out why after that.  It
> could be any number of things, including scaling and noise.  If it
> seems ok when you turn it by hand, but is bad when you run the spindle
> for a while, it's surely noise.  I had noise problems and knew it was
> fixed when I could run my spindle for 15 minutes and then line up my
> mark on the chuck and see motion.spindle-revs had increased an integer
> number of turns.
> I recall someone having trouble with ppmc because there is a jumper
> or switch that sets differential encoder mode, and he had it set
> wrong.  This caused noise problems.
That was a "real" PPMC board set.  Kirk has a UPC which doesn't 
have differential inputs on the board.  (He could have an 
outboard differential receiver, I suppose.)
> 1250 seems like a strange number.  Are you sure?  (If that is right,
> your 5000 setting is correct)
How about 1728?  That's what I have for a spindle encoder on the 


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