On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 09:46 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Friday 16 January 2009, Peter blodow wrote:
> >Hello all you bicyclers,
> >I thougt this EMC was a machine controlling forum, but machining machines,
> >not riding machines. Let's confine ourselves to machine control and
> >exchange construction hints (how thick should the stock be?) and
> >motorbiking experiences at other news congregations.
> >Best regards
> >Peter Blodow
> Awww, gee Peter, lighten up.  I do tend to get wordy, yes, but where safety 
> design is concerned, I don't believe it can be "off topic".  Sometimes it can 
> be a matter of personal opinion, and I feel I have to cite experiences I've 
> had to "back up" that opinion.  So I answer questions when I feel qualified 
> to opine on the subject.

I tend to think of this list as a community where someone can come to
get useful information on all things that might interest people that are
into CNC machines, and happen to also use EMC. I like to get messages
covering what we would talk about if we where sitting in a garage
sipping beer (but without the pin up's). On the other hand, I appreciate
that the only mission of this list is to provide a conduit for
information related to the use of EMC software. Maybe a good compromise
would be for us to pay_more_attention to; accurate and updated Subject:
lines, using [OT] to mark off topic messages, and while I'm at it,
delete message lines that are not related to replies. For those not
interested in OT messages, this puts the burden of deleting OT messages
from your Inbox, but I would hate miss at least half of the good
information I currently get, if it were moved to another place. I know I
am missing allot because I don't monitor the IRC, but I can only do so

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