>I had a little different but LESS subtle issue with stepconf...

Whaddayamean LESS subtle??  I spent almost every weekend for two months 
fussing with stepconf.... And my machines rest....

>My issue was that as I tried to tweak my settings to get each of the 
>setting correct so that each axis will move the appropriate distances, 
>about half the time the stepper would not move.. Yes would not move...  No 
>the motor was not stalling, just simply NO movement... If I were to exit, 
>run Axis, I then could test the axis, and it moved.... I then would note 
>how far it moved.. Go BACK into stepconf to tweak, then back to Axis to 
>test.. VERY VERY inconvenient but I got it..

I have not encountered something like this yet, but it will be a long 
beautiful spring. Honestly: After all I've seen and after reading Rob 
Jansen's mail I doubt if the "test axis" function is worth any more than to 
check if the motors are hooked to the right pins. Obviously, the movement 
properties of this feature and that of Axis can't be related, so 
experiences with stepconfig don't pertain to the real behaviour in later 

>Robert I. Shell
> > Wow, with your wife almost throwing out all your stuff that's very nice
> > to write ;-)

I wasn't sure if she would move my stuff out or leave herself.;-) Didn't 
wait to find out.

> > I will also start learning again. Somehow my stepper motors stall
> > already at low speeds whereas I think they should be able to run faster
> > - improper timing could be an explanation for this.

My old stepper card does not recognize pulses below a certain length and 
below a certain time distance. Check these lengths.

Greetings from Germany on a warm sunny spring day
Peter Blodow 

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