On Wednesday, November 23, 2011 08:23:43 PM Jack Coats did opine:

> I know EMC2 doesn't do anything but Ubuntu LTS as it's 'official'
> supported distribution.
> On several other lists I have noticed the complaints about the Ubuntu
> Bloat and moving
> to Unity and things not working.
> Have we, as a community or even just developers, thought about now to
> go to a 'less bloated'
> distribution?
> I do like the idea of the LTS (Long Term Support) part of
> distributions.  And moving
> from any distribution to another I have always considered a pain.  But
> I could support
> moving if we can find another 'long term supportable' option where
> this community
> doesn't have to support the OS also.
> Any ideas?  Thoughts? Concerns?
I am considering moving this box from pclos to centos-6, but as a kde 
person, the kde in it is one of the half broken 4.3.5 hacks, probably with 
its bigger warts covered by the parent RHEL-6 patches.

This theoretically gets us nearly 5 years of LTS.  The downside is that 
while security patches will follow the RH releases by 1-2 weeks, version 
numbers are largely frozen since RH has a habit of backporting patches but 
not a whole new release.  But OTOH, it is at least as fresh as 10.04 is, 
and likely a heck of a lot more complete than my pclos is.  I am always 
finding something that needs 2 or 4 libraries pclos doesn't supply so I 
can't build a newer, 10,000% improved digikam for instance.  Ditto for 
wpa_suplicant which in the pclos version is a miserable, time wasting 
failure.  For 10.04, it Just Works(TM).

That distro runs at a bit over 7Gb, takes two dvd's now.  Its current 
kernel is 2.6.32-71 in the 64 bit version.  This is still being actively 
supported on the Linux-Kernel Mailing list as a long term supported kernel, 
and should be fine on any hardware more than 2 years old.  AFAIK, no new 
'long term' kernels are about, and likely won't be till 3 months or so 
before the RHEL-7-rc1 release is defined.  Since 6 is pretty fresh, that 
likely is 2 years plus down the log.

I ran a 2.6.32 kernel here for a while, but pclos changed to the 2.6.38 
about 9 months back, with the BFS scheduler enabled in some builds.  How 
that would co-exist with RTAI, I have no clue, but to the desktop user, bfs 
is one heck of an improvement in the feel.

> Thanks for the responses. ... Jack
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Cheers, Gene
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