On 24 November 2011 02:46, Kirk Wallace <kwall...@wallacecompany.com> wrote:

> What has me nervous is my recent experience of "upgrading" from 8.04 to
> 10.04 and having some of my long trusted motherboards not work or have
> terrible latency, with the usual fixes having no effect.

I believe that part of this was not directly related to EMC2. My
impression is that the decision was made to support SMP as such a
large proportion of motherboards are multi-core or multi-CPU now (even
the 1U server that runs my machine is dual Xeon). Unfortunately that
seemed to bring in a dependency on a local APIC, which some boards
don't seem to support, or, worse, claim to support but are broken.
I believe that it would have been possible to make the 2.4 LiveCD (on
10.04) just as compatible as the 2.3 LiveCD (on 8.04) but at the
expense of rather crippling a lot of hardware. Arguably this is a
non-issue in practice, but people seem to have a distaste for buying
CPUS and having them sit idle.

It is worth re-iterating that all versions up to "master"(2.6) work
perfectly well on Ubuntu 8.04.

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