Andy, you hit me severely there. My respect to all developers and 
programmers of EMC, but I am sure there is a large silent majority of 
EMC users who participate without writing to the list, just reading and 

andy pugh schrieb:
> It seems to me that if you have an opinion on this matter, and you are
> posting it to this thread, then you, personally, are not the type of
> user we should be considering.
I surely have an opinion on EMC and the OS it's running on. Are you only 
considering computer freaks to be worthy of participating? Remember, 
there are plain EMC users, too!
> Is there anyone here with a strong opinion on specific Linux
> distributions who has a plain, unmodified, LiveCD installation? I
Yes, I do. And it works well, and I don't want to spoil it by 
> would hazard a guess that most, if not all, have a built-from-source
> or a grabbed-from-buildbot version.
Wrong, I don't want to put up with a rarely used Unix OS just in order 
to run my machine. I want to download a CD image, put it into my control 
PC and start running. If this would't be possible any more, I will have 
to drop EMC2. I want to have nothing to do with OS questions.
> The question to answer it not which distro _you_ prefer, but which
> will be best for the project, and best for new users.
The best for new users is to have no bother with operating the system, 
but running the software needed for machine control.

Considering todays computer prices there is absolutely no need to do all 
computer work on only one computer. I am using all Microsoft software 
for writing, designing, calculation, mailing etc. on a high rated PC in 
my home office (and so does my wife) for reasons of compatibility with 
the 99% rest of the world. And I have a cheap, old low-performance 
computer in my workshop running ubuntu and EMC. They are connected by 
our home network, though. I wouldn't want to stand in a cold workshop 
trying to write an article, edit a book or do energy calculations or 
other office work. And I couldn't really control my machines from the 
distant office without seeing and hearing what happened with them.

So, with EMC, please stay on the carpet and don't imitate those 
commercial software gods by complicating matters until they are 
ununderstandable and unpayable!


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