>Hmm, yes. I see the problem.
>It's quite a neat mechanism, you turn both gears the same direction
>for up-down and in different directions for rotate.
>The solution is probably to abstract the two movements into basic
>angles as far as the DH parameters go, so that you have an elevation
>and a rotation angle as numbers in the joint.N.pos-cmd pins, then do
>some mathematics in HAL to convert those to stepgen positions using
>some simple maths in HAL.

>I think that stepgen.4 needs to be joint.4 - joint.5 and stepgen.5
>needs to be joint.5 - joint.4 (or something a bit like that anyway)
>There is no subtraction in HAL, you need to sum and scale by -1 I think.
>It might be simpler to write a very simple custom HAL component that
>takes the two angle values and converts them into two motor positions.
>(like a very small 2-axis kinematics file).

Hmm...I don't understand very well what this means. You suggest me to create an 
HAL component or some maths in HAL to pass the Joints pos values (calculated by 
genserkins?) to stepgen 4 and 5. Right? This don't seems very easy...at least 
for me!
But then how I should do to link stepgen to physical pin of parallel port to 
move at the same time the two motor? I don't understand how to link halparport 
pin to both stepgen.
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