>Motor.4-cmd = joint.4-cmd + joint.5-cmd
>Motor.5-cmd = joint.4-cmd - joint.5-cmd

>To get correct feedback value, use last 2 equations and derive
>feedback positions:
>joint.4-fb = (motor.4-fb + motor.5-fb) / 2
>joint.5-fb = (motor.4-fb - motor.5-fb) / 2

>I think that this can easily be done with custom HAL component with 4
>float inputs (for joint-cmd and motor-fb values) and 4 float outputs
>(for motor-cmd and joint-fb).

You can me explain better what you suggest me? Where and how I should add these 
command? Andy pugh suggested to use the component "offset" to have the rotation 
and elevation of wirst using ate the same time the two motors..
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