On Monday, June 04, 2012 06:41:27 AM Erik Christiansen did opine:

> On 03.06.12 15:53, gene heskett wrote:
> > Eagle is bing a pita about upgrading, I have several copies of
> > libpng14.so.14 on the system, but the installer can't find them even
> > when added to ld.so.config.d.  Grump!
> Based on that limited information, Gene, I can only offer a couple of
> rounds from the shotgun, to try to bring the varmint down:
> a) On a ubuntu box, it is /etc/ld.so.conf that we'd update, then run
>    "sudo ldconfig -v" to update the library cache. Even if you're on a
>    different distro, the basic workings of ld.so should be rather
>    similar.
>    If you've put the .so into /lib or /usr/lib, then just running
>    ldconfig without adding anything to ld.so.conf will suffice. (OK,
>    some distros may run ldconfig at boot, but a grep of /etc/rc* does
>    not show that on mine.)
>    (I see that Eagle did at first fail to find /lib/libc.so.6 for me.
>    Just putting a copy in /lib and running ldconfig worked for me,
>    confirming the shortcut.)
> b) If that doesn't suit, then there's another way to skin the cat:
>    I've not had the problem with Eagle, but Bitscope was similarly
>    blind when I first installed it. To help it find the needed library
>    (libborqt-6.9-qt2.3.so in that case), I provided a signpost to the
>    directory it lives in:
> alias bitscope='export
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/bitscope:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ; \
> /opt/bitscope/dso/Dso &'
>    i.e. Setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH was a way to make it go. (It is when
>    the .so has been compiled with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set, that it is also
>    needed at runtime.)
> Hopefully that lets you bring home a pelt.
> Erik

There is a fix that works like that IF you can get it to install, but 
despite adding its location to an eagle.conf in 
/etc/ld.so.conf.d/eagle.conf, and verifying that ldconfig -v finds it, and 
my exportation of LD_LIBRARY_PATH, the 6.2.0.run thinks about it for 30 
seconds, then spits out the error and exits without even making the 
eagle-6.2.0 directory.

So I'm still on 6.1.0.

The thing that makes smoke out of my ears is that the eagle folks have 
known about this problem for at least a year.  The rest of the world moved 
on to libpng16 (or simply doesn't use that variation at all, the case with 
pclos) 2 or 3 years ago, so whats their (eagles) problem?

I just fired up mc and put the version that was in the /opt/brlcad/lib 
directory, with all its links, in /usr/local/lib & ran ldconfig -v|grep 
libpng14, to register it, which spit out an nvidia related error along with

[root@coyote eagle]# ldconfig -v|grep libpng14
ldconfig: Path `/usr/lib' given more than once
ldconfig: Cannot stat /usr/lib/libvdpau_trace.so: No such file or directory
        libpng14.so.14 -> libpng14.so.14
ldconfig: Cannot stat /usr/lib/libvdpau_nvidia.so: No such file or 
        libpng14.so.14 -> libpng14.so.14.5.0

then the installer ran!  Then fixing the script /usr/bin/eagle so it now 
runs the 6.2.0 version and the opening screen at least reports itself as 
6.2.0.  I think I'm in business & we can remove that boot now... :)

The ldconfig errors about those two libs turned out to be links left behind 
when I took the nuclear option to the system and did a mass deletion of 
*295.20* to get rid of old nvidia trash that was preventing the newer 
driver from being installed.  Links with no target, mc shows them in red so 
I nuked them. NBD.

But Whoopee!  eagle-6.2.0 runs!

But I can see that if I try to build the mods I made yesterday, into the 
eagle boards, I will need at least another 4 sq cm of board. What I did 
yesterday was a cobble job in the finest tradition of the word, I cut a 
1/4x1 inch strip of clear plastic from the lid of a hang pack of small 
screws and glued it to the top of the board with superglue in a small clear 
space on the end opposite the signal cable, then glued 3 ea 1k tiny 
trimpots from the shack ($5.37 total) after bending the legs so they stuck 
up to make flying terminals, so the adjuster slot faces the front end of 
the board as its mounted, so they face the front of the lathe and is easily 
adjustable without a screwdriver with offsets or crazy angles.  Glued them 
on the side with the end terminals to the added plastic for insulation.  
Then about 8 pieces of wire wrapping wire to hook it all up, smashed down 
on the board to clear the spinning disk, and hot damn it works.  And I 
can't blow the leds because I left the initial 150 ohms in series with the 
pots.  My hands are getting a bit shaky with the years though, working 
under a 16mm projector lens for a magnifier, making solder joints on about 
20 thou centers is testing my skill with an iron. :( I did manage to pull 
it off however.

Cheers, Gene
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