On Saturday 24 November 2012 00:38:21 jeremy youngs did opine:

> actually accuracy is needed as it has to pick up thta position on fire
> up :) it is also to note that several reversible sensors of identical
> or similar design are found everywhere on autos. this is not a
> dissertation  just point to the larger world. i think andy is trying
> to feel whether we are interested in a simple one channel encoder with
> parts store availability and not discern how autos work. I for one
> would love to be able to use a 15 dollar locally (globally?) available
> crank sensor and not have to wait to ship or find it discontinued

Let me assure you that the very high failure rate crank sensor in a mopar 
engine is far from a 15 dollar part.  I have replaced a few of them in 
Jeeps in particular, and have never paid less than $80 US for one from 
N.A.P.A.  I have not noted any of them lasting much past the 50,000 mile 
mark, with replacements apparently not good for much past 10,000 miles.  
When the 3rd one got funkity, requiring several restarts to bring her home 
from work, 15k miles after its last replacement, she said screw it and 
changed the paint and vin, but its still a Jeep.  Now its newer and white, 
but I don't believe the red one had yet hit the 100k mark.  Some folks 
never learn, heck I was slow too, replacing Dee's mopar/mitsubishi vans 
twice before I swore off.

Cheers, Gene
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