> with an encoder on the motor shaft and a linear encoder on the axis gantry
> could linuxcnc be configured to detect a stall
> maybe as simple as a loose motor connector

Putting encoders on a stepper is an obvious idea that occurs to everyone
faced with positioning errors, but it turns out that nagging details make
it not so good in practice. The basic problem is that there's not much one
can do after a following error: the steppers tend to be run with maximum
rated current already, so it's not like we can drive them harder to catch
up. Also, the problems with steppers tend to occur because we drove them
into difficulty such as mechanical resonance or binding---the solution
tends to be to slow down, not drive harder. Additionally, by nature
steppers can only screw up by one step, so a real-time course correction is
not really possible, it's only good for 'oops, we're screwed'.

In conclusion, stepper drivers/motors are cheap and simple, and work
reliably within their design envelope. Encoders make them complicated and
expensive for little gain, so they tend not to be used.
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