On 9/3/2013 3:24 AM, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> On 9/2/2013 7:14 PM, Kirk Wallace wrote:
>> On 09/02/2013 03:38 PM, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
>>> I have a new version of the MachineKit image for running LinuxCNC on a
>>> BeagleBone available:
>>> Image:
>>> http://bb-lcnc.blogspot.com/p/machinekit_16.html
>>> Announcement:
>>> http://bb-lcnc.blogspot.com/2013/09/new-machinekit-image-available.html
>>> This is a fairly significant change from the previous versions, as I am
>>> now building the kernel fully from source (pulling in the required
>>> Xenomai code from git) and I have switched to the
>>> unified-build-candidate branch of LinuxCNC (which is going to become 2.6?).
>>> Anyway, if anyone has an interest in playing with LinuxCNC on the
>>> BeagleBone give it a whirl and let me know how it works for you.  It
>>> moves motors for me, but I have made enough changes I'd like as much
>>> testing as possible.
>>> Thanks!
>> Is there a brain dead install document or a list of things one would
>> need to learn to do an installation? The wiki pages look like they were
>> last updated in March?
> Which wiki pages?
> My blog page with the image download should have enough to get you going
> if you have some Linux experience and can figure out the device
> representing your SD card reader:
> http://bb-lcnc.blogspot.com/p/machinekit_16.html

I bought a BBB card for using on my little MF70 CNC.  I am looking for a 
while on internet but did not  found anything about using a BBB with a 
cape or connection to emulate the parallel port by BBB GPIO. I have seen 
the BeBoPr  or K9 Smorgasboard  that emulates the parallel port but 
there is not an inexpensive solution ? Only some logic  level converters?

Also it will be nice to have a small touch screen to be used with axis , 
some advicez . I am thinking as variant to use a android tablet with an 
x11 server app


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