> >>> On 2/5/2014 3:49 AM, Mark Tucker wrote:
> >>>> I have been fiddling around with JT's Tutorials,in particular Gui3 shown
> >>>> here http://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/gui/index.html.
> >>>> I can get this to run on 2.5.3 no problem,but when i try to run from 2.6
> >>>> pre it loads up and you can take the machine out of estop but the run
> >>>> button stays greyed out?
> >>>> I have tried this on both developer machines with the same result.
> >>>> Am i missing something?
> >>>>

I assume you are using HAL_action buttons.
You can't run without being homed.
so it stays greyed out till un-estoped and homed 
This is new in 2.6

Chris M
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