On 09/30/2015 10:55 AM, Roland Jollivet wrote:
> And does anyone know why Gecko has shied away from 3ph drives? It seems a
> step away from 2 phases ;-)
Yes, Mariss mentioned this years ago.  In a simple drive 
with minimal configuration setup, the only reasonable way to 
go is a six step drive.  these have small 'bumps" when the 
commutation jumps to the next set of coils.  he didn't like 
that.  The fix is sinusoidal drive, which takes a lot more 
processing in the drive, and requires a setup so the drive 
knows how many poles the motor has, and the encoder 
resolution.  there are LOTS of sinusoidal drives now on the 
market, they usually have some DSP processor to do the math, 
and need a setup program to download the motor settings into 
non-volatile memory in the drive.  This is WAY more 
complexity than the types of stepper and step-servo drives 
that Gecko is making.

I make a six-step drive, and the "bump" really isn't that 
bad with most motors, but it definitely is detectable in the 
encoder response.


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