On 03/25/2016 02:35 PM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> On 03/25/2016 01:26 PM, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
>> As someone mentioned before a the an axis/joint may/will run away in
>> case of an encoder failure.
>> It would be possible to detect an encoder failure by comparing output
>> signal with encoder signal. A velocity signal may be integrated and
>> do not allow to wander to much or an encoder error will be detected.
>> A torque signal would be worse.
> An encoder that fails into runaway (motion erroneously detected when
> none is occurring) or that fails into stop (no motion detected when
> motion *is* occurring) will both result in a following error, precisely
> for the reason you say above: linuxcnc compares the commanded position
> with the feedback position from the encoder.
It will not detect a following error if the failed encoder 
is on an axis that does not have any motion commanded at 
that time.  This may not cause a catastrophic runaway on 
some systems like Mesa and Pico Systems analog velocity 
controlled servos with tachometers, but a slow creep toward 
the limits.  Some other systems might have an integrator 
that will just keep winding up without feedback.

Old Allen-Bradley controls generated an absolute velocity 
analog signal from the encoder, and compared that to the 
absolute value of the tach signal.  If the tach came out 20% 
above the encoder-derived value, it caused an E-stop.  This 
was in the days of incandescent lamps in the encoders, so 
these errors did occur.  They also used 4-sensor encoders, 
where they had a separate optical sensor for the A and the 
A-not signals.  (Same for B and B-not.)  These 4 signals 
went to Xor gates that made sure the A and A-not and B and 
B-not were complementary.  If A and A-not were equal for 
more than a few us, that caused an E-stop.  This detected a 
failed lamp.


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