On 05/27/2018 10:54 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
To Jon; I had to reset the pwm-servo several times, it was tripping off at the m5, which is completely off while the motor was cranking the spindle at 1500. So thinking about the motors emf, I put an s100, g4p.5 in front of the m5. Hasn't tripped again.
Yes, you certainly don't want to do a harsh reversal. Even with a VFD on my Bridgeport, I have a lowpass filter to make the spindle start/stop and reversal more gradual. I put the filter in between motion.spindle-speed-out and the DAC that drives the VFD. In this particular case, the VFD takes digital direction commands and a unipolar speed command, so I use the abs component to convert +/- values to all +.

net spindle-speed motion.spindle-speed-out => mult2.1.in0
setp   mult2.1.in1 0.002457
net spindle-DAC-cmd mult2.1.out => lowpass.0.in
net spindle-DAC-filt lowpass.0.out => abs.0.in
setp lowpass.0.gain 0.005
net spindle-DAC-abs  abs.0.out => ppmc.0.DAC.03.value

Doing it with the filter means you never have to think about doing this in every G code program. The first setp has a cal factor for one belt ratio setting to spindle speed. The second setp sets the time of the lowpass smoothing. You can also use limit3 to do this.


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