Hi Ron,

On 2020-01-20 12:10, R C wrote:
Hello Rafael,

First;  As I said, I am setting up a test bed, not even a CNC, just to work out how to make some combination of linux-cnc, stepper drivers and stepper motors work.

Second; When I get it figured out, and I am sure I will, because this list/forum is great in providing solutions, suggestions, pointers and positive directions in general etc.  I

             probably won't use X forwarding,  but then again, I might, who knows.

That's fine. You can experiment with software/HW any way you want. I was pointing out what makes sense and what not. You can try running X-windows over PPP connection through 56k modem over the phone line if you want.

I would rather "experiment" with headless CNC machine located in EU from my GUI front-end on Linux workstation in CA. Modern bandwidth would allow for video from a camera mounted above CNC machine.

- headless LinuxCNC core with USB for keyboard and simple text display needed for basic OS installation, configuration, or troubleshooting
- GUI fronted for machine operator; platform independent (i386, Arm)
- API for special additions and future development

third; I have no Idea what a caw is, however on my travels I once heard a breed of parrots being referred to as a caw, and indeed, it would not make much sense to put a saddle on a bird

        like that. Unless you meant cow, in that case, and because of

caw was a trap ... cow it is. You passed the test.

losing track of the topic, I would have carved out some time to spend on reading/writing English from those decades

          of research if I were you.

thanks for English lesson. Plenty of opportunities for your police work on this mailing list. Perhaps you can cleanup "Pandemonium of rabbits" and untrimmed emails that are impractical to read on tiny mobile devices for years now.

fourth: Your email sounds like a Chevy vs Ford,  Windows vs Mac vs Linux rant, no one probably cares.

Failed test. Better comparison: embedded systems vs. CNC on PC; DOS vs. RTOS; metric vs. feet/inches;

The fact you, and few others, don't have a solid understanding of linux,

"The fact"? based on what? My installations of Linux containers, clusters, Saltstack, Openstack, ESX,...?

Compiled Linux kernel hundreds of times, installed OS on thousands of servers or VMs in the data centers over VPN from 5 to 1000 miles away. Add BSD, Solaris, HP-UX, and other Unix to that list. I only used X-windows on workstations installs. When you exceed that number I'll sign up for you to give me more lessons.

Fact: millions keep dragging feet and inches over 200 years after much better system was invented for science and daily use by people born with 10 fingers to count.

is not an argument. The fact it is open source isn't either. HPC, super computers, worth hundreds of millions, run

some version/distro of linux. One of the reasons being that the ways it can be configured, tweaked, modified are enormous, better then one single OS vendor would ever be able to provide.

"better then"? Thanks for English lesson again.

Also, I am not sure, but most on this list/forum, are probably not even professional machinists, there are probably a lot of "CNC enthusiasts" around, some know a bunch about

that's precisely why I was hinting at need for growing up from "parallel port" days. Perhaps discuss how SATA, PCIe, M.2 technologies and related protocols could be taken advantage of. May I remind you that this is "Python3 year".

CNC machining, some are more software/programming inclined, some are more OS or electronics inclined. That's probably how linux-CNC came of the ground, which is pretty cool.

Exactly. We do agree on something. I believe that we reached the point where significant improvements can be or should be done to carry LinuxCNC forward.

If you look at it, linux-CNC is pretty slick. Granted I had some trouble installing it, using it, it is not based on the OS of my choice (but I don't mind/care, and

I never had problems with installing it in VM to test software functionality. Granted, I'm not using it for CNC at this point. With attacks on my comments make it even less desirable now.

no one else, except you, probably really does.). The reason for my CNC "troubles" , I am sure, largely have to do with my own shortcomings, not exactly knowing

a lot about linux-CNC, or CNC machining in general. It is an open source project, which means that it is available to anyone. It might not be the perfect solution, BUT, what is?

I have nothing against people trying this or that. Experiments lead to new discoveries but not all.

My active participation in Linux install-fests held at Cisco in north San Jose is history. Anybody was welcome to see how our personal computers with CRT monitors work. We would help visitors setup their systems. I remember a gentleman who asked me to come to his home to help him out with Linux. He wrote some critical drivers etc. That was my little give back to open source community for excellent software.

Lessons I learned were handy at work obviously.

One of the big advantages is that as soon as a few people come up with and idea to implement something, even if a majority doesn't like the idea, they still can.

With an OS/Application vendor, you're pretty much dead in the water if you want something they don't/won't implement.

Countless number of OSS projects grew into commercially supported and enhanced products and work on both sides. Some times it's the other way around. A commercial product is released as OSS for smaller installations to attract new customers. Nginx, Ubuntu, Hadoop, ROS, Apache, OpenVPN, and such.

Also, returning back to the topic,  you might have heard of LOM, (Lights Out Management), of equipment, including CNC machines, during your decades of research where it

My toolbox includes adapters, cables, or breakout thingies I built for connectors to SunMicrosystems and other computers used in semiconductor industry etc.

actually might be convenient, if not mandatory, to remotely check in with CNC machines running autonomously. So X11 forwarding might be useful, who knows.

why push pixels to see what's going on a remote system with RT kernel when simple ASCII (JSON?) string can tell you all? What about API to Linux CNC? It's about software footprint and real estate used by silicon components on PCBs.

Anyway, last but not least,  to those of you actively contributing to linux-CNC, most of us here, I am sure, would like to thank you for your countless hours spent

on making this open source project possible. There will always be those that are whining and complaining, but they are vastly outnumbered by those of us

that are happy this projects exists.


Perfectionist, where's the opening tag for rant?



You are welcome.

People who keep things the way they are or never complain don't improve or invent anything. Some people get it: OpenEmbedded, Toradex, buildroot, eLinux, etc.; others don't.

Sorry guys, when a response to my email is a real time troll (not knowing how particular OS is crippled) and another one as a rant I can only come to conclusion that there is no interest in making improvements in LinuxCNC or desire for easier way to install and support it on modern embedded HW platforms.


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