On 3/10/21 2:08 PM, Karl Schmidt wrote:
I finally have all the hardware working - I built gear pickups + Z  .. Thanks to Jon Elson's example .. works well - thanks for sharing.

https://lrak.net/secret/pictures/wells_index/wells_index/2020-02-05_10-37-10_jpg.jpeg.html https://lrak.net/secret/pictures/wells_index/wells_index/2020-01-25_15-47-26_jpg.jpeg.html

    From the pics I see you also have a Wells, what model? I have a couple of 810's

I'm trying to find a few examples configs as a starting point for doing coordination.

    I did all mine in Pnconf from the menu. Four axis and spindle encoder. Parts ordered to add variable feed and rapid and VFD control soon. Right now it is         on/off contactors. Rigid taps just fine.

It looks like motion.coord-mode OUT tells us that G33 is in effect ?

Rigid tapping is G33.1, G33 is different. The Wiki has all this G code stuff.

There is this in the docs "Spindle-synchronized motion waits for the spindle index and spindle at speed pins, so multiple passes line up. "    not sure what "multiple passes line up" means in this context?  (Is it waiting some 'N' times for the speed and index to be correct before moving?)

    When the control sees an spindle index pulse it starts the feed, stops the feed at spindle reversal and reverses feed to stay in time with spindle RPM. By         using the index pulse it allows the tool to repeat the operation as long as the starting point remains the same

Most of the time, I will just use the VS-belt system - trying to see a way to turn spindle coordination on and off?  I think I might have to create a gvcp-panel bit to turn  the coordination on and off? At the very least I should make an actual spindle speed display..

The RPMs sent to the VFD will not be the same as the spindle RPM - The PID loop should be able to fix that?

I already fixed a detail on the extremely well written wj200_vfd component - I can add an RPM input - or scaling input?

It has a frequency input right now - I was thinking I would add the RPM parameter - it would use which ever parameter that isn't set to zero.  Or, I could add a scaling input..

(wj200 already has a spindle-at speed output.. )

Hints -  bread-crumbs would be welcome..


motion.coord-error OUT BIT

motion.coord-mode OUT BIT


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