OK.  First of all thank you to Les and Andy.

I've moved the MDI_COMMANDs from the layout2.inc that were part of the HB04 
installation into the .INI file under the [HALUI] section.

In the process I discovered what two of the buttons on the pendant did. (Never 
bothered trying them out).   I now have a better idea of how to deal with the 
other macro buttons on the pendant.

I also, on the MDI command line tried out the 
G92Y[#5421 / 2] 
after first setting the 0 of a spot drill over the solid edge of the vise.  
Then moving with the jog and MPG wheel to center (again by eye) the spot drill 
over the edge of the movable jaw.

Next a 
G1 Y0 F10 
and sure enough a nice slow (safe) move to what looked like the mid-point 
between the two jaws.  I'll set up a couple of buttons the way Les has and 
won't need to use the Shumatech DRO-350 anymore for finding mid points.

Been a good day.
Thanks again.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Les Newell [mailto:les.new...@fastmail.co.uk]
> Sent: July-12-21 9:57 AM
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] 'automatically' go halfway between 2 points
> > My issue was I have the HB04 Pendant
> I had one of those on my router. The MPG died shortly after I received
> it so I ended up throwing it in a corner in disgust. I'd recommend
> feeding the MPG though a low pass filter component (ilowpass would
> work), otherwise motion gets pretty jerky. I submitted a better low pass
> filter some time back but it looks like it was never added to the source
> tree.
> In my case I have hardware buttons. My front panel has quite a few
> buttons, connected to LCNC over Modbus.
> In your [HALUI] section the first MDI_COMMAND line is
> halui.mdi-command-00, the second is halui.mdi-command-01 and so on. You
> just need to make sure you keep track of the line numbers. The lines for
> my zero and /2 buttons are as follows:
> MDI_COMMAND = G92X[#5420 / 2]
> MDI_COMMAND = G92Y[#5421 / 2]
> I didn't have enough buttons on my front panel for Z/2 and I can't say
> I've ever needed it.
> Les
> On 12/07/2021 17:34, John Dammeyer wrote:
> > Can you post the code that creates the buttons?  I think that's the main 
> > issue here.  As mentioned before, there are all sorts of G-
> Code subroutines in the nc_files folder but getting away from using the 
> 'command line' so to speak is the general idea.
> >
> > My issue was I have the HB04 Pendant.  I also have in the pyvcp-panel.xml 
> > file hal pins described.
> >          <vbox>
> >          <relief>RIDGE</relief>
> >          <bd>6</bd>
> >             <button>
> >                     <halpin>"rapid-to-Z-home"</halpin>
> >                     <text>"Rapid to Z Home"</text>
> >                     <font>('Fixed',16)</font>
> >             </button>
> >             <button>
> >                     <halpin>"rapid-to-XY-home"</halpin>
> >                     <text>"Rapid to XY Home"</text>
> >                     <font>('Fixed',16)</font>
> >             </button>
> >          </vbox>
> >
> >
> > In the postgui_call_list.hal I had
> > #net remote-rapid-to-Z-home halui.mdi-command-16 <= pyvcp.rapid-to-Z-home
> > #net remote-rapid-to-XY-home halui.mdi-command-17 <= pyvcp.rapid-to-XY-home
> >
> >  From what I understood from the documentation I then add two lines
> > # add halui MDI commands here (max 64)
> > # MDI_COMMAND = G0 Z0
> > # MDI_COMMAND = G0 X0 Y0
> >
> > Which are assigned mdi-command-16 and -17 because the layout2.inc for the 
> > HB04 has
> >
> > [HALUI]
> > # these are examples, edit as required:
> > # a halui hal pin is created for each MDI_COMMAND below
> > # halui.mdi-command-00, halui.mdi-command-01,... etc
> > MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-01)
> > MDI_COMMAND=(debug, example: mdi-02)
> > #03 M110: clears notifications
> > ...
> > #15
> > MDI_COMMAND= G10 L20 P0 C0
> >
> > However that didn't work.  So I postponed work on that for other stuff.  
> > But I would like to get it working and I would like to create
> a few more buttons.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Les Newell [mailto:les.new...@fastmail.co.uk]
> >> Sent: July-12-21 8:20 AM
> >> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> >> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] 'automatically' go halfway between 2 points
> >>
> >> It's pretty easy to do this in g-code. There is no need to get involved
> >> with HAL programming.
> >> Here is one way I do it on my mill. I have buttons for the following:
> >> Zero X (runs code G92X0)
> >> Zero Y (runs code G92Y0)
> >> Zero Z (runs code G92Z0)
> >> X/2 (runs code G92X[#5420 / 2])
> >> Y/2 (runs code G92X[#5421 / 2])
> >>
> >> Say I want to find the centre of X. I find one X edge using a probe or
> >> eyeball as required then zero X. Move to the other side and hit X/2. X0
> >> is now in the centre.
> >> If you have an electronic probe this plugin works quite well
> >> <https://github.com/linuxcnc-probe-screen/probe-screen-ng>.
> >>
> >> Les
> >>
> >> On 12/07/2021 05:29, R C wrote:
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> in linuxcnc,? is there an easy/automated way to get halfway between
> >>> two points??? (Fort example, you'd touch off somewhere, move to some
> >>> coordinate (x, y)? (or even (x, y, z)) and go inbetween right to the
> >>> the middle of where you touched off and where the spindle is now?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> thanks,
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Ron
> >>
> >>
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> >> Emc-users mailing list
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