It works on the current 2.9

> On 26 Aug 2023, at 3:07 pm, Thomas J Powderly <> wrote:
> Hello
> I want to embed pyvcp into a tab of Axis interface.
> My attempts so far got me the new tab
> but the pyvcp panel ( or pyTkinter panel) is free floating.
> The panel is not embedded,
> There was a discussion about this on the forum
> There was no resolution, and the information provided suggested that an update
>   linuxcnc-uspace_2.9.0~pre1+git20230208.f1270d6ed7-1_amd64.deb
> would help.
> No one in the discussion reported that this actually worked.
> So, before I update, could someone running 2.9.0
> please do this test?
> Put this dummy 'pyvcptab.xml' file into your 
> ~/linuxcnc/configs/configYouWantToTry
> -------------------- begin file pyvcptab.xml -----------------------
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
> <pyvcp>
>     <hbox>
>         <label>
>             <text>"Pyvcp Xml file in a Tab"</text>
>         </label>
>     </hbox>
>     <hbox>
>         <vbox>
>             <spinbox>
>                 <halpin>"spbox1f"</halpin>
>                 <min_>1</min_>
>                 <max_>5000</max_>
>                 <initval>1</initval>
>                 <resolution>1</resolution>
>                 <format>"4.0f"</format>
>             </spinbox>
>             <button>
>                 <halpin>"spbox1verify"</halpin>
>                 <text>"Run"</text>
>             </button>
>         </vbox>
>     </hbox>
> </pyvcp>
> -------------------- end file pyvcptab,xml -----------------------
> and edit a working .ini to include this vvv  after the [DISPLAY] maker
> ---------------------- begin edit your .ini ---------------------------
> EMBED_TAB_COMMAND = pyvcp pyvcptab.xml
> ---------------------- end edit your .ini ---------------------------
> Then run LincCBC with yoour config and see if the tab appears
> AND if the pyvcp widgets are on the tab or just in a free floationg pane.
> There is no .hal file or stanza.
> The hal pins are not connected.
> That is not needed to test the tab feature.
> in 2.8.0 it looks like the attached png
> Thnaks TomP
> <pyvcptab2.8.0.png><pyvcptab.xml>_______________________________________________
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