On Tue 11 Nov 2003, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> At 05:54 AM 11/11/2003, Ben Rockwood wrote:
> >The other killer is dox, the pretty spiffy oh so awsome help system
> >that most people look at once and then never again.  This is
> >arguable, but I'd imagine that being as DR16 is pretty well
> >understood, we won't get many first time users, and the fact that
> >most new users probly don't read any of it anyway... not to mention
> >the fact that you still have tooltips, we can just dump dox which
> >accounts for another 2.5M.
> Just thought of something else, and correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the 
> built-in help hard-coded with a theme similar to ShinyMetal ?? I don't 
> recall that it is "themeable". Doesn't really make it look like it's "part" 
> of E that way.
Which brings me to what I've been thinking all along: Some of these things
could be pulled out into separate packages. That way, those who want these
extra features can install them, and you get a lean package. This would be
useful for sounds and dox, and extra themes as well. I also certainly
support the idea that these docs should be made available online as well
... it's standard procedure anyway.

By the way, Kim, we're still anxiously waiting for your imlib2 commit :)


Ibukun Olumuyiwa

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy
getting get understanding." - Proverbs 4:7

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