On 10/28/11 22:58, David Seikel wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:23:37 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
> <ras...@rasterman.com>  wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 22:46:55 +0200 Cedric BAIL<cedric.b...@free.fr>
>> said:
>> i'll post here as a summary. what k-s wants is to just release e17-as
>> is after fixing some efm bugs. who agrees with that? everything stays
>> as-is.
> We already have a plan, it's a good plan.  We should stick to it.
>> the reason taskbar is there is because engage is compositing based
>> realistically and we have to work without, and we again have had
>> enough users complain and ask for a way to switch tasks.
> Yep, need one that works just as good without compositing.  Or create a
> taskbar only, like we have ibar and ibox, maybe call it itask?  Er
> wait, itask-ng?  Um no, itask-ds9?  Then we can make one for mobiles and
> call it itask-voyager, and one for big companies and call it
> itask-enterprise. B-)
> I think there is room for both an all in one, and separate bars.
>> the reason efm is on the list is its mostly working and usable as a
>> simple filemanager - that was its point. it needs some bugs fixed.
> Agreed.
>> the reason keymap config is there is for all those europeans (and a
>> few others) with odd keymaps and people have no clue how to configure
>> this on a command-line or in config files. the other todo items could
>> get dropped, though theme does need to be polished.
> I'll put in my personal plug for being able to switch keyboard layouts
> WITHOUT changing languages.  So all my dvorak challenged friends can
> still use my computer.  They'll have to be able to touch type QWERTY,
> but I can live with that.  It's even harder to do this on the command
> line when the keyboard is mapped to something your are not familiar
> with.  lol
>> this wasnt unilaterally decided by me. i believe in making a good
>> attempt at a quality release. gustavo just believes in dumping out
>> whatever we have. all the bitching about gnome and others will happen
>> to us if we don't provide these basics that gnome etc. already DO. to
>> many people we are useless. these are not new fangled ideas or
>> standards - this is old hat that we haven't covered. so how do u
>> expect to make those people happy and try or stay with e when we are
>> not functional in some key aspects?
>> get these above done and we can do an alpha.
> Works for me.

> There was also mention of theme work, but the only part of the
> current default theme that has truly annoyed me so far is the desktop
> background.  So I replaced it with something boring.
Agree and disagree. Let me explain. While some people may not like the 
current default theme, it is (by it's nature) the most 'complete' theme 
that is available. Yea the desktop background sucks on it (sorry mate) 
but that is easily changeable by the average person. Now, having said 
that, I don't 'dislike' detour theme (as far as color scheme). What I do 
dislike about it is the overly large menus/menu items. (If you don't 
know what I mean, then load the default theme and look @ the menu/menu 
items. Then load detour and look @ it's menu/menu items). If detour 
theme had menus of a similar size as the default theme, then I would be 
much more in favor of detour, but as it sits no...the menus just waste 
too much space imo.


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