On 10/29/11 00:44, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 00:25:55 -0400 Christopher Michael<cpmicha...@comcast.net>
> said:
>> On 10/28/11 22:23, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
>>> On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 22:46:55 +0200 Cedric BAIL<cedric.b...@free.fr>   said:
>>> i'll post here as a summary. what k-s wants is to just release e17-as is
>>> after fixing some efm bugs. who agrees with that? everything stays as-is.
>> Sorry, cannot say that I agree. While e17 may be Close to release, to
>> put it 'out' now is premature imo. There are still a few things that
>> need fixing and/or ironing out.
>>> the reason xrandr is on the todo is that there are many complaints and
>>> questions about how to get multi screen to work and we have no solution.
>>> the reason taskbar is there is because engage is compositing based
>>> realistically and we have to work without, and we again have had enough
>>> users complain and ask for a way to switch tasks.
>> What about the taskbar module ? Anyone know it's current 'status' ? Is
>> it usable for the average person ? Are there some issues remaining ? Are
>> they simple bug fixes ?? I'd lean more toward including it (rather than
>> engage) for the simple fact that taskbar does not 'require' compositing,
>> and severs the purpose for the 'average joe'.
> i actually read its code - it's mostly ok, but it has lurking bugs like not
> reffing e border objects. i've already begun a new tb code in my e tree but i
> also need to revamp its horizontal (and vertical) layout as well as add a
> feature to gadcon to make it work sensibly and not make shelf expand beyond 
> the
> bounds of the screen. i've already started here and my only goal is to make a
> workable taskbar that isnt going to fall over in cases and then move on.
Well mate, slap it into svn somewhere and we can all jump into the fun 
;) (time permitting of course).

>>> the reason efm is on the list is its mostly working and usable as a simple
>>> filemanager - that was its point. it needs some bugs fixed.
>>> the reason keymap config is there is for all those europeans (and a few
>>> others) with odd keymaps and people have no clue how to configure this on a
>>> command-line or in config files. the other todo items could get dropped,
>>> though theme does need to be polished.
>>> this wasnt unilaterally decided by me. i believe in making a good attempt
>>> at a quality release. gustavo just believes in dumping out whatever we have.
>> This is where gustavo and I disagree. I'm w/ you raster...would rather
>> have a quality product to release, rather than taking the
>> short/quick/easy way out and just 'release what we have'. If we take the
>> later route and just release things 'as they are', then we could end up
>> getting a reputation of premature release (gnome3, unity, and other such
>> junk)...which I (for one) would rather avoid. Better to take the extra
>> time and get things right. Oh I know I will get the "He's just in
>> raster's camp anyway" people/complaints...and I'm fine with that simply
>> because it's the right way to go about it. Why release something that is
>> incomplete/half-arsed ??
> that's indeed my point - and we are so CLOSE to being "done". it's impatience
> at the last leg of the race.
Agreed. But to 'jump the gun' and release early (read: earlier than 
ready) at this stage is just silly. Take a little more time, finish the 
work properly and have a Good release !! rather than a half-arsed one. 
Hell, we've hammered on this for more years than I care to 
count...what's a few more months ?? ;)


>> dh
>>    all the
>>> bitching about gnome and others will happen to us if we don't provide these
>>> basics that gnome etc. already DO. to many people we are useless. these are
>>> not new fangled ideas or standards - this is old hat that we haven't
>>> covered. so how do u expect to make those people happy and try or stay with
>>> e when we are not functional in some key aspects?
>>> get these above done and we can do an alpha.
>>>> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 9:19 PM, Mike Blumenkrantz<m...@zentific.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 11:07:45 -0200
>>>>> Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri<barbi...@profusion.mobi>   wrote:
>>>>>> I'm writing this mail so it's unified and everyone can opine without
>>>>>> being in one place at one time (IRC/#edevelop).
>>>>>> Recently I've talked to people and while I tried to express it at IRC,
>>>>>> raster just got pissed and left. Later people would join and agree
>>>>>> with me... so while I'm looking like a jerk I guess I'm not alone in
>>>>>> there. I'll try to be as clear and short as possible.
>>>>>>      1. to clarify we know some snapshot is usable. This will get us in
>>>>>> more distributions by default.
>>>>> good
>>>>>>      2. to remove that stupid karma over the 17 number if e. Will help
>>>>>> people that do not track us closely to know we're reasonable serious.
>>>>> people will probably still call it e17 even when we're on e20
>>>>>>      3. we can start to bring in new technology without delaying it even
>>>>>> further (ie: elm and scripting language - js/elev8)
>>>>> not really a valid reason to release, you can see it did wonders for gnome
>>>> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=gnome_survey_part1&num=1
>>>> I don't really see the link with what you are saying.
>>>>>>      1. there are both bugs (eg: efm)
>>>>> cedric has said a number of times that he'll be working on efm after he
>>>>> finishes emotion soon, and I'll likely disable eeze mounting entirely for
>>>>> the release since libmount is not widely deployed and I was unable to get
>>>>> widespread testing until now.
>>>>>>      2. missing features (xrandr, taskbar, ...)
>>>>> * xrandr patches have been made and are on the list waiting for testing
>>>>> and review, so I'm not really sure why this is a "missing" feature.
>>>>> * New users will not be able to deal with E17 if it doesn't have a
>>>>> taskbar, end of story. Engage is in SVN now, it's usable and widely used
>>>>> already, it can be merged.
>>>> No you can't ! Doesn't solve the problem for non composite use case
>>>> and as long as we don't make the compositer the only possible choice
>>>> we can't say that engage is the answer to that problem.
>>>>> * I don't care about keymap config since I'm american, but it seems
>>>>> important for users to be able to type in their own language
>>>>> * b&w is awful, we should switch to and iron out detourious for release
>>>> Yes, that's something we should do as soon as possible. As a side
>>>> question, what is the status of that theme for elementary ? Because it
>>>> would make sense to also do the switch for elementary at some point.
>>>>> * Improved connman support is a big sticking point for me. I strongly
>>>>> believe that if the module does not improve now while it is actually a
>>>>> blocker for release, it never will. To this end, it's missing 3 big
>>>>> features that I can see people using: hidden network support, static ip
>>>>> setting, and enterprise encryption. It's likely that this is not actually
>>>>> a 6 month project as you have implied.
>>>> Well, I have been using connman module since now one year and there is
>>>> only one place in the world where I would have liked to have a UI to
>>>> set static IP and a VPN... I am sure that's raster is in that place
>>>> most of the time like some of our user base :-) So not a strong
>>>> requirement from my point of view, but maybe some people at Samsung
>>>> could take over that item as of course you are all using E17 !
>>>>>>      * e_widgets is amazingly boring and gets in the way, people expect
>>>>>> something like Elementary to help them. Or even better, for rarely
>>>>>> used features like a mixer control dialog, xrandr dialog, connection
>>>>>> manager configuration these things could be done with a high level
>>>>>> language such as elev8. Thus lots of people would be motivated to help
>>>>>> get more features in. But introducing this now would delay e17 even
>>>>>> more, thus a no go.  (Personal note I'm highly demotivated to hack e17
>>>>>> due this exact reason. Doing a mixer dialog in e_widget is like few
>>>>>> days, in elev8 it should take me few hours -- easier to find than few
>>>>>> days)
>>>>> No argument here, though I think it's more an issue that e_widgets lacks
>>>>> documentation. It works fine and is actually easier/faster to use than elm
>>>>> in a lot of cases once you get the hang of it.
>>>> Well, I think we both are doing hugly UI, maybe we should not comment
>>>> on that part.
>>>>>>      * we'd like to have an officially supported and widely accepted
>>>>>> high level language. While I've created and maintained Python, seems
>>>>>> it's hatted  and going nowhere. So if it's Python, Lua or JS it
>>>>>> doesn't matter, but we need one for most boring things like
>>>>>> configuration dialogs and non-critical paths... (READ: I don't want it
>>>>>> to be in composite manager, eborder, etc -- tho I'm open to have them
>>>>>> in gadcon)
>>>>> This is going to be a pain for those that don't know the scripting
>>>>> language chosen, but I suppose the onslaught of progress must not be
>>>>> stopped.
>>>> You know what, you can code in JS like you do in C. You just need to
>>>> remove all that useless typing. So any one of us that know C, will be
>>>> able to understand and patch JS as soon as you use it.
>>>>>> AFTER RELEASE: I propose time-based releases, every 3 months we cook a
>>>>>> snap and put it out. Seems to work well for everyone out there, can't
>>>>>> see why it wouldn't work. IMO we can't have feature based snaps
>>>>>> because we don't have enough manpower to do this promises.
>>>>>> Longer release cycles are problematic as "wait my nice feature to get
>>>>>> in, it's one more week! Otherwise I'll have to wait 6+ months to get
>>>>>> it in!" and then this repeats forever as we see now.
>>>>> reasonable
>>>>>> xrandr, keyboard languages, taskbar. Users will complain, period.
>>>>>> We'll never be able to cope with minimum features, as this changes
>>>>>> from person to person. Moreover, the more we wait, the more we have to
>>>>>> do. Right now all other desktops implement the new systray and
>>>>>> application menu protocols, really soon this will be "a bare minimum"
>>>>>> for some users. There is proper PulseAudio mixer. Proper
>>>>>> ConnMan/NetworkManager. Soon we'll have the user-session and seat
>>>>>> management that GNOME is doing with systemd... This list is lways
>>>>>> growing. But we're short on human resources. Having a release and
>>>>>> getting Elev8 into E would help bringing more people to help.
>>>>> If we cared about user opinions so much, we probably wouldn't be working
>>>>> on E17 at all anymore. As for new minimum features, let's be realistic:
>>>>> nobody is ever going to implement that stuff before E17 release even if
>>>>> it's a requirement. We got pulseaudio support (the newest "desktop"
>>>>> feature) because I had fun abusing the native protocol, and that's not
>>>>> even cutting edge.
>>>> That's the point of increasing the size of our community, so that
>>>> people that think it's funny to implement that kind of stuff do it.
>>>>>> MY PROPOSAL: just fix the remaining efm bugs and other outstanding
>>>>>> crashes and do a release as is. Remove the e17 karma and get back to
>>>>>> normal life, get e18, e19... and things go into them as fast as we
>>>>>> can.
>>>>> End result: VETOED.
>>>>> The items in http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/Release were discussed
>>>>> and agreed upon for a reason. Your personal lack of desire to complete
>>>>> them should not influence the release date, and others are actively
>>>>> working on them.
>>>> As stated in my previous mail, I am for jumping on releasing an alpha
>>>> as soon as we have our main bug gone and try to target to do that at
>>>> the same time as 1.1. It will just be a benefit, driving developer
>>>> attention and maybe gather some help to finish the last round of work.
>>>> Because face it, we have very few people motivated to fix the last
>>>> item right now. But we have people that would have been helping if a
>>>> few technological limitation where removed. So we need to shorten the
>>>> painful path as much as we can.
>>>> --
>>>> Cedric BAIL

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