> From: Dexter Graphic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Eug-lug]Dan's text based computer system
> Date: Sunday, December 15, 2002 9:03 AM
> For some reason Dan is unwilling to spend the necessary time 
> and effort to read the instructions and figure it out for 
> himself. For some reason no on else from EUGLUG is willing 
> to do this for him for free (as in beer). 

Come on, I paid "someone from EUGLUG" already, several times (not
much maybe by present standards, but a price he agreed on), for
setting up a system, preferably without, but also with a GUI, and
still no luck. 

And yes, I've put some time into it myself, as some of you may
remember, but computers aren't everything in my life, as perhaps with
some people. ("I could do great[er] things, if I wasn't so busy doing
little things.") I don't often find instructions I'm sure are written
in English. It often seems Linux people are more interested in trying
new things than in getting time-tested things working well. Many
command lines I see seem more like writing sub-routines instead of
"commands". I also find quite a few things that even the "experts"
can't figure out how to do. Why aren't many of these "compacted",
using aliases and such? (That's something I hope to work on if I ever
get Linux email going reasonably.) I still remember programs from CPM
and DOS that had some advantages. Why such problems in Linux?
Why no GUI? Most of the time they seem to me like great wasters of
time, disk space and processing power. They may be easier to learn
(if you have time to wade through the instructions for the
non-intuitive parts), but I think, slower to actually use, which is
what I prefer to do. My ideal is to never have to take my hands off
home keys, at least when writing, giving commands, and most other
things, except drawing and maybe diagramming. Of course to be
complete, that would also require my own design of keyboard.

I'll get back to ya.

Dan Robinson                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]            
Eugene OR 97401           http://www.efn.org/~danrob/

"Look not at what is and ask 'why'. 
look at what could be and ask 'why not'."
                                          - RFK?

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