> From: Nerdboy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Eug-lug]Dan's text based computer system
> Date: Sunday, December 15, 2002 10:14 PM
> Part of dan's problem is that he's using a very old computer. 

"Very old" meaning five to seven years maybe? There must be a lot
around that old. I suspect one fifteen years old would be sufficient
for me, if it had a working OS I liked. It was only about three
years ago that I gave up my 386. How about systems for the "third
world", locally and elsewhere, those who don't believe in buying a
new car and a new computer every year, as well as those who can't
afford one?

> People with new computers can easily install linux, people with
older computers
have better luck using older software.

But I remember someone with Linux on an early equivalent of a palmtop
in about '95. What happened to such systems?

> Softare that was written around the time that his computer was new
would likely be easier, however he would be missing out on a lot of
the benefits of newwer software.

Hey, lead me to it. (WeIl, now I'll wait and see on that.) I haven't
found anyone who'd talk about such. Does it have alias (or some kind
of macro) capabilities? That's the most under-used feature I've seen,
or at least been able to recognize, on Linux.


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