18Ah BP17-12

On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Lee Hart <leeah...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> Michael Ross wrote:
>> my power supply allows me to tell it a peak current and peak voltage...
>> It sounds like I can safely set the voltage to 28.8V and 4 amps, and
>> not be concerned if I forget for a few days.  Do I have that right?
> What is the amphour capacity of your batteries? 28.2v and 4a is OK for
> maybe a day, but not for days. At 28.2v, plug the power supply into a timer
> and set it to shut off in 16 hours or so.
> If you have to leave it on for days, set the voltage for no more than
> 27.4v (13.7v per 12v battery). That is a relatively safe long-term voltage.
>  If I am in a hurry, I could wait for 28.8V, then perhaps set it a 30V and
>> 1Amp?
> 30v and 1 amp max is OK for an hour or two at the most. That will equalize
> the batteries.
> It all depends on how much babysitting you want to do. Probably the
> simplest way is to get one of those 12-hour timers that install in a light
> switch box, normally used to control a bathroom fan or outdoor yard light.
> For example, an Intermatic FF12HC etc.
> http://www.intermatic.com/Products/Timers/InWallTimers/
> Springwound_Auto-Off_Timers/FFCommercialSeries/FF12HC.aspx
> To charge:
>  - Plug your power supply into the timer.
>  - Set the timer for 12 hours.
>  - Set the power supply for 28.8v and its maximum current.
>  - Wait for it to shut off. The batteries are approximately 100% SOC.
> To equalize:
>  - Charge as above. Then...
>  - Set the timer for 1 hour.
>  - Set the power supply for 30v and a maximum current of 2% of the
>    battery's amphour rating (i.e. 0.4 amps for 20 amphour batteries).
>  - Wait for it to shut off.
>  I could rig up a JLD 612 temperature controller to be a minder and shut
>> off
>> the charge at 100F or so.
> When a sealed battery gasses, it heats up and pressurizes the case. If it
> charges too long, or at too high a current, it blows the vents open, and
> loses water. That's bad for life.
> The heat also shortens the battery's life. As temperature rises, the
> battery voltage falls. This makes it draw more current, which causes more
> heating... This is called "thermal runaway", and leads to destroying the
> battery. A good charger has temperature compensation to detect the
> temperature rise, and turn down the voltage or shuts off to prevent this.
>  I could also mange it for temperature and use a plain old 10A 12V charger
>> with the cell paralleled.  Does this idea have merit/
> If that "plain old 12v charger" is any good. Many of them are nothing but
> a transformer and rectifier in a box. No voltage, current, or time control
> at all.
> --
> If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?
>         -- Albert Einstein
> --
> Lee Hart's EV projects are at http://www.sunrise-ev.com/LeesEVs.htm
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Michael E. Ross
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