I am not talking about LFP, I have no literature that is current about
LFP.  I have been talking more generally about LiMO2.  All I have seen is
contradictory, anecdotal info on LFP.  Jack Richard doesn't think they have
spontaneous loss of charge - and onl;y a small loss of SOC from sitting -
1% a year.  I am sure with all chemistries there are poorly built and
formed cells that are inferior.

I am willing to bet, since the negative electrode is the same, and
functions by intercalating li ions (which are agnostic once loosed from the
positive electrode that there is no difference.  WHether or not the
negative electrode incorporates graphene or not, that only reflects on the
number of intercalation sites.

Does someone think that the negative electrode in LFP cells operates
without intercalation?

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 12:52 AM, Roger Stockton via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> Michael Ross wrote:
> > It is like a bunch of people simply don't want to understand that things
> > are not uniform across the field, that there is old tech that is being
> > surpassed, and that some things are turning out very well.
> >
> > I would restate, " I think it is possible that people don't recognise
> that
> > some old and inferior cell designs do not represent what is possible,
> > demonstrable and manufacturable."
> It seems you are ready to conveniently ignore the literature that you are
> happy to quote to others.
> There may or may not be something new about LiFePO4 chemistry that renders
> it immune to self-discharge, however, if there is, it is *not* the simple
> fact that lithium intercalation is involved, and this is something that you
> have been stating/purporting.
> Again, I refer you to your copy of Linden's Handbook of Batteries, which
> clearly states and quantifies self-discharge amounts for various lithium
> chemistries that *all* also rely upon lithium intercalation.
> If your claim is that something about LiFePO4 (in general, in theory, or
> some specific example?) that makes it immune to self-discharge, please make
> this clear in your posts, and accept that whatever this property is, it is
> not simply that LiFePO4 (like those other 'old and inferior [lithium] cell
> designs') relies upon lithium intercalation.
> Cheers,
> Roger.
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Michael E. Ross
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