On 23/01/17 10:52, Cor van de Water via EV wrote:
I sent you a separate email with an idea to avoid a fake Leaf pack and still 
keep the BMS happy and report SoC.

Is anyone trying to reverse engineer the handshake between the Leaf BMS and the rest of the car?

As I understand it, the Leaf BMS is quite happy to work on it's own but some other part car authenticates the BMS and is not happy if the BMS is swapped. A friend tried swapping the whole battery including the BMS he says the car was not happy, it worked but only in Turtle mode, regardless of state of charge.

Has anyone identified the CAN bus messages that contain the authentication handshake? I've been collecting information at https://carrott.org/emini/Nissan_Leaf_OVMS#Leaf_Can_Bus but I haven't seen information about the BMS authentication.

Could you put a man in the middle between the BMS and the rest of the car which allows the original BMS board to authenticate, but replaces all the battery status messages with "everything is fine"? Obviously the man in the middle would need to talk to the BMS on the new battery (either another Nissan or a whole new BMS or whatever) and tell the car everything is not fine if the new battery is in trouble.
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