Robert Bruninga <> wrote:
Simple answer I use is that 12 full size home panels can fully charge a
typical EV to the American average 40 miles a day forever.

But it is far mor economical to put those on the roof of your house or
garage than on the car.

That's true... if you have a garage, or own your house. But a great many people are renters, and can't install PV on their roofs. If they have a car, and have no choice but to park it outside all year, then PV on the car is better than nothing.

Also, the 40 mile/day average is just that; the average. Fully half of the driving public drive less than that. Even if PV on the car only provides half that, it' will still satisfy some fraction of people's daily needs.

For most of my 50-year career, I have lived within 10 miles of where I worked. Even my early 1970's EVs with only a 40-mile range fully met my daily driving needs.
Obsolete (Ob-so-LETE). Adjective. 1. Something that is simple,
reliable, straightforward, readily available, easy to use, and
affordable. 2. Not what the salesman wants you to buy.
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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