But arithmetic + comp might support string theory, and has too, if matter is strings.

Also, arithmetic is simpler as it can be taught in high school, and I think that you need arithmetic to understand string theory.

String theory assume the quantum theory, but the UD Argument shows that if we want get both quanta and qualia properly, we have to retrieve them form number or machine self-reference, so that if the physical is really described by strings, then this will be explained without assuming the quantum, nor the physical.

For matter, string theory seems promising, but for mind/matter, If string theory is correct, and if we are Turing emulable at a level, then string theory has to be a theorem (on universal number dreams stabilizing, or something).


On 17 Oct 2012, at 20:46, Richard Ruquist wrote:

In string theory compact dimensions support arithmetic,
which in turn supports the evolution of life and dreams.

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:03 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 17 Oct 2012, at 10:12, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

Life may support mathematics.

Arithmetic may support life. It is full of life and dreams.

Life is a computation devoted to making guesses about the future in order to self preserve . This is only possible in a world where natural computers are possible: in a world where the phisical laws have a mathematical nature.
Instead of comp creating a mathematical-phisical reality, is the
mathematical reality what creates the computations in which we live.

So all kind of arbitrary universes may exist, but only (some) mathematical
ones can harbour self preserving computations, that is, observers.

OK. But harboring self-preserving computation is not enough, it must do in a first person measure winning way on all computations going through our state. That's nice as this explain that your idea of evolution needs to be
extended up to the origin of the physical laws.

   Mathematics is just a collection of  representations that are
internally logically consistent (note that the total mathematical universe is not a single consistent set!), so outside of that what is there? Comp is a mathematical model, its "support" outside of math remains to be seen.

Comp, is a bet involving the physical world, and the first person subject.
But by its very nature, it leads to doubt the necessity to bet about
something outside of a tiny part of arithmetic, for the ontology, as the "inside view" will already explode in a non mathematically unboundable way.

You need only the Turing universal reality. It is not important to choose numbers, or lambda terms, or combinators, or the game of life pattern, as
they all lead to the same couplings consciousness/realities.

The arithmetical reality escapes the computable reality, but the computed beings are confronted to both the computable and the non computable, and a
complete transfinite ladder of surprises.



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