On 07 Apr 2015, at 19:35, John Clark wrote:

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> Who is traveling through time in a forward direction, Mr. John Clark or Mr. John Clark The Helsinki Man?

> We have agree that both the W-man and the M-man are the H-man.

Yes but you didn't answer my question and the answer is important because relationships are not always symmetrical; a dog is always a mammal but a mammal is not always a dog. The W-man and the M-man encompass everything that the H-man was, however they both have additional experiences that the H-man knows nothing about. So although the W-Man and the M-man are the H-man, the H-man is not the M-man, and the H-man is not the W-man, and the M-man is not the W-man.

> We're in Moscow now and John Clark The Moscow Man didn't write that diary, John Clark The Helsinki Man did and John Clark Helsinki Man no longer exists.

> We did agree on this.


> You are changing your mind here


> the W-man and the M-man do not feel to be the same person

That's because they are no longer the same person, they both remember being the H-Man but after that they've had different experiences and have different memories.

> it leads to the idea that personal identity is an illusion (which I think),

And how would things be different if personal identity were not an illusion?

> You don't believe in the christian God,


> and declare from this that all notion of God are "burp".

I am declaring that at least the Jesus freaks and Islamic nincompoops are saying something, it's not correct but at least they're saying something, and at least they have the courage of their convictions and love the idea of God more than they love the ASCII sequence G-O-D. But your "G-O-D" is just a spineless unintelligent unconscious formless colorless blob of nothing in particular that does nothing in particular except have a name.

Your Aristotelian intimate conviction should not be invoked in a scientific debate. My GOD is the god of the Platonist. It has influenced in diverse way the God of the Abramanic religion, but since 500 in the west, and 1000 in the east, the Aristotelian seems to have succeed in brainwashing people that GOD is only the Aristotelian one.

The platonist and aristotelian God are particular case of the general greek definition. It is close to some Indian and Chinese schools.

The question Creator/not-Creator hides the question Creation/not- Creation.

> You illustrate only that you are taking *some* definition of free- will, and of God, too much seriously.

People can defign free will however they want, but before they get into a lengthy discussion about whether humans have free will or not it would be wise to know what the hell the term is supposed to mean. Unfortunately this NEVER happens

False, it did happen, and you have submit by your own an interesting definition. I remember you fail to appreciate the interest, but your argument that it was not an interesting was poorly convincing.

You are the one with the special word problem. You look like wanting that they can't have any interesting meaning at all, but you use that for not studying those who agrees on some definition, and reason from that.

Take the word God. By defining it by the reason of your conscience, we can say that every one self-conscious is already a believer in God, and then the debate will be on the nature of God. For an artistotelian God is Matter, because they think that Matter is the primary reality from which our consciousness emerged. For a Platonist, Matter might be the border of something, perhaps a universal machine dream.

The God vocabulary is useful to homogenize the different religions- Reality-conception be them aristotelian or not, which is impossible by your way of talking.

It is useful also as making easier to distinguish the science of physics, and physicalism, which are not related logically. It helps to understand the difference between believing in a physical universe, and believing that God is the physical universe, that is the reason of my conscience.
There are no scientific evidence from that primariness.
And there is an evidence that it might not be: the kicking back of the mathematical reality.
As the greeks noticed.

and so the result is that they very literally don't know what they're talking about.

> the question was asked to the Helsinki-man, about what he expects. As he does not expect to die

John Clark The Helsinki Man does not expect John Clark to die, but John Clark The Helsinki Man does expect that John Clark The Helsinki Man will die; or to say the same thing with different words, John Clark expects to be just fine but does not expect to experience Helsinki anymore.

Thanks for the news, but the question was about your expectation, and your vocabulary makes unclear what you expect, when you are in Helsinki.

Suppose you are told in Helsinki that you will be offered a cup of coffee at both reconstitution places. What is, in Helsinki, before the duplication, your near future coffee drinking expectation?

I know that sounds clunky but as I've said when matter duplicating machines become common the English language is going to need a major overhaul, especially in its use of personal pronouns.

The simple idea (take explicitly the 1p and 3p difference into account) works very well. It is just a mystery why you avoid it, and then complain about ambiguity. You get worst and worst in faking not seeing the relevance of that difference in our setting.

And the math is already done. The 3p view is given by the use of Kleene's theorem, or the Dx = T(xx) trick and variants. And the 1p view is given by linking the non-definable truth to it. And there is a technic to study its logic, despite its non formal character.

For this you need to study more logic and computer science.

Just tell me what you write in he diary, in Helsinki, about the coffee expectation, with this change of the step 3 protocol.


  John K Clark

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