On 30 Apr 2015, at 16:26, Bruce Kellett wrote:

Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 30 Apr 2015, at 04:34, Bruce Kellett wrote:
Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 29 Apr 2015, at 02:12, Bruce Kellett wrote:
Given Platonia, they always exist timelessly, they never have to be calculated because the are timelessly true.
But the view from the inside points of view is different.

You appeal sometimes to the block universe view of relativity theory -- the block is static, but observers inside experience time. In general relativity there are difficulties with the definition of a time variable, but in special relativity, time can be defined as a direction in the block. Then slices through the block orthogonal to this direction give the experienced moments of time.

I do not think that you can do anything similar with Platonia because it is not a well-defined four dimensional object with a defined Minkowskian structure.
The point is that Platonia is structured by the view from inside, and []p & <>t should give the quantum Minkowskian structure (if that is correct physics). And this works. We got a quantization, and some Minkowski structure already appear (thanks to some other result by Goldblatt). Anyway, I just give a way to refute comp: prove that we don't get that structure in any of S4Grz1, X1*, Z1*.

The preferable view would be that if you don't get even the basic physics out in a comparatively straightforward manner, then your program is not of great interest. This is the criticism that has long been leveled against string theory in physics -- it makes no independently testable predictions. A lot of promise perhaps, but no pay off.

I formulate the computationalist mind-body problem. I show it to be hard.

Then, it is amazing what the Lôbian number can already tell us when thinking about that question.

I am not proposing a theory. I study the theological consequences on taking rationalism or mechanism seriously enough.

I am still not sure if you are really interested in the mind-body problem. Unless you believe that consciousness reduces the wave packet, and this by using special oracle (different from the FPI), you don't even seemed to suggest a reason why computationalism is incorrect, or a reason to not admit its consequences.

It is not a question of believing or defending any proposition. it is only a question of understanding a problem, reasoning validly. UDA1-7 is purely deductive. Step-8 touch "reality" and just diminish the need of Occam razor (as we cannot *prove* anything about reality, not even that it exists).

No pay of? Have you a simpler explanation of where the physical laws come from, and why it can hurt, and this without invoking an ontological commitment?

My feeling is that you ignore the mind-body problem, and have some lack in recursion theory or theoretical computer science (a branch of math). That would not be a problem if you were not talking negatively like if I was presenting something new and original when I just benefit from Church, Turing and Gödel +Löb, etc. to remind that "even" by assuming comp the mind-body problem is NOT solved, and that it is two times more complex than the materialist usually believes, given that we *have to* justify the beliefs in matter without invoking the existence of matter.



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