On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 11:31 AM, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015  Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
>> ​>​
>> ​ because ​John Clark HAS BEEN DUPLICATED and there are now two John
>> Clarks it would not be expected that just one interview would settle the
>> question of what cities John Clark saw.  The first interviewee says "I am
>> John Clark and I see Moscow". The second
>> ​ ​
>> interviewee
>> ​ ​
>> says "I am John Clark and I see Washington". So Quentin, from the above
>> information even a man with a room temperature IQ such as yourself should
>> be able to answer the question "what cities did John Clark see?".
> ​> ​
>> That's never has been the question..
> ​In this thought experiment ​that is the only question that is not
> gibberish.
>> ​> ​
>> The question has always bear on the 1st person view,
> ​If you HAVE​
> ​BEEN DUPLICATED then​ there is no such thing as "the"
> 1st person view
> ​, there is only "a" ​
> 1st person view
> ​. I mean... what the hell do you think the word "duplicated" means? ​
>   John K Clark
Let's modify the original "yes, doctor" scenario so that the duplication is
performed a number of times, because sometimes it doesn't work... like
in-vitro fertilization where they harvest and fertilize multiple eggs. If
you do say yes, there is still a small chance none of the attempts will
work, and there is also a chance you will be duplicated several times.
Let's say their duplication labs were spread out around the world so that
saying yes to the doctor would mean you might wake up in some combination
of Moscow, Washington, Paris, and Stockholm. Nobody has any idea which will

Let's look at the class of scenarios where only one of the attempts is
successful. In this case it is natural for you to wonder: where will I wake
up?  This is a standard notion of probability so I assume you will accept

For the scenarios where multiple attempts work, it is still natural to
wonder, where will I wake up?  That's all that is being asked in Step 3. In
which continuation will I find myself?


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