On 06 Aug 2016, at 20:00, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 8/6/2016 4:58 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
If we think about engineering an autonomous being it becomes obvious that this is a good architecture. Decision making should be hierarchical with only a few requiring system-wide consideration. With RF communication this autonomous being could easily "be"in both Moscow and Washington.

I agree. Of course this does not change the step 3 conclusion if that is needed to say. There is just no RF communication available,

But that's where you're taking for granted physics which, later, you're going to conclude is to be inferred from statistics on computations and is otiose.

But in this thread, we are not "later". I guess you allude to step seven. You cannot use step seven to confuse people on step 3.

It's like saying A, B, C, D, ...entail Z, but Z shows there's no reason believe A.

This we will discuss when we arrive at step 7.

(And francly, where is the problem:? it happens that a conclusion leads to discharge some hypotheses, but here, you seem also to confuse the assumption that there is a physical reality at the metalevel, and the assumption that there is a primary physical, at the actual level of a metaphysical theory).

Again, we are at the step 3 only, which is just the first person indeterminacy (imagine in a physical implementation of the protocols).

To solve the mind body problem, we must suppose there is a mind, and there is a body, before reducing one to the second, or vice versa, or both from something else.

I understand that the conclusion can seem startling, so that we can come back often on older step in the reasoning, but still, if you do find something invalid in the step_0 to step_3 reasoning, you cannot invoke step seven to claim that something is invalid.

I guess you do accept step 3, and just worried that it will be misused later. But that must be discussed later.

I think you've agreed that physics is necessary to our world, whether primary or not.

I would say it is the main result: physics is necessary of the universal machine, from its 1p view, because physics for it is a consequence of being a machine.

But if physics is shown necessary in arithmetic, physics is no more primary. It is explained by what the numbers observe, and what is observable.

So I suggest that instead of starting with the hypothesis that consciousness is a computation,

Please, I insist that consciousness is NOT a computation. Consciousness is an 1p notion, and you cannot identify it with *any* 3p. I prefer to use knowledge, for which incompleteness makes the classical definition working (and saving the 1p from *any* 3p- reductionisme.

let's leave questions of consciousness to the end and start with Tegmark 2.0, "Physics is computation". Then I take Bruno's version to be:

A. The totality of reality consists of all possible computable universes and histories

It is just ultra-elementary arithmetic (Robinson Arithmetic).

Nothing else is assumed, except, here at the meta-level, computationalism (the belief I can survive with a physical digital transplant + Church-Thesis)

The existence of all computation is a metatheorem of RA, and a theorem of PA.

The TOE does not assume anything more.

B. Mathematics is real.

Nope. I just assume that 0 + x = x, ...

I do not philosophy of that type.

C. An UD will realize all possible computation, and hence the totality of reality.

Brent, please reread the UDA. The UD, and thus elementary (sigma_1) arithmetical truth realizes all possible computations, but the realities must be recovered by the measure self-referential problem. We get an intuitionist logic for the first person, and a quantum logic for the 1p-plural, has needed. And incompleteness provides the separation between what the machine can justify and what is true, and this for each different points of view notion.

I translate the mind-body problem into a an arithmetical body problem for the universal machine, and let you know what the universal machine already told us.

UD does not realize the totality of reality, it realizes only the base 3p domain of the 1p indeterminacy, which gives consciousness and physics, but refer to a highly non-computable reality.

It is like the Skolem-paradox: Elementary arithmetic, or elementary combinator algebra, seen from inside is big, bigger than arithmetic, even bigger than analysis, and with comp, plausibly bigger than mathematics.

D. The world of our experience is a thread, or threads, of the UD computation that, according to some measure, have statistical coherence and hence realize a world with the regularity that we interpret as "the laws of physics".

On the contrary, the physical reality is defined by what is observable (from the sigma_ true sentences (the leaves of the UD) in all the accessible world which are either true, or consistent, or both. ([]p & p, []p & <>t, []p & <>t & p).

It is like Kant: the physical is a modality of the mind of the universal machine. And you can defined the mind of the universal machine by all possible machine "dreams" (as we assume computationalism, this make sense).

If that argument is accepted, then even if consciousness is an epiphenomenon of physics, it will still be a some computational entity in the universe picked out by our "laws of physics".


From there Bruno may well argue that the threads of consciousness are certainly epistemologically prior and we should regard them as fundamental and "the laws of physics" are inferences (which change with new data).

I don't think we have any choice in the matter. If you say yes to the doctor, the reasoning shows that physics *has to be * derivable from addition and multiplication of the integers. And that in some precise way, especially if you ant keep the distinction between qualia and quanta.

I have derived a non trivial part of physics, and well, computationalism, or a "toy" version if you want, has passed the test with success. He would have failed in appearance, would the physicists have claimed that the observable obeys classical logic.

I don't believe, without evidence, that a God/Matter can select the "real" computations among "non real" in arithmetic. Computationalism works only if it justifies the appearances of such God/Matter.

I give a problem, that's all. And a bit of the universal machine's own proposal.



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