On Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 4:27:56 PM UTC+2, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 06 Aug 2016, at 20:00, Brent Meeker wrote:
> C. An UD will realize all possible computation, and hence the totality of 
> reality.
> Brent, please reread the UDA. 

Perhaps but perhaps you should reread it. 

Or rewrite it to be more communicable or... dare I say the word "fun". As 
in how Smullyan presented Gödel to a wider audience. There's a voice in 
your head right now that says "Smullyan has no real contribution"; but 
understand that Smullyan was able to relate to people without pushing his 
buddies into "doing their homework" on public list. He was able to relate 
to children and make his classrooms laugh. 

Ok, the fact that you have to refer people to "go do their homework" so 
often (with Telmo a few weeks ago, with Russell few weeks ago, with John 
every day, with Brent today) can reflect that the teacher is so far beyond 
his students that they should be less lazy and catch up... but 
pedagogically this is medieval stuff with catholic overtones. We are 
further than that in pedagogical terms today: this state of affairs could 
just as well reflect that the homework problem or the resources it 
presupposes are not clear or accessible to anybody interested, and that the 
teacher may be doing a bad job sorting his teaching material or organizing 
his presentation, perhaps because he uses every free second to convert John 
Clark and Bruce.

Brent shows good faith in exposing his particular summary understanding and 
your medieval pedagogical approach tells him to "do the work" and possibly 
soon to confess why he isn't doing said work. We may agree on possibility 
of comp but as teacher I prefer softer approaches, which is why you and I 
have our differences regarding communicability problem and its approaches 
and why I stay mute on most matters here: my school practices its own 
interpretation and doesn't need public advertising. Plato is not only alive 
in academic sense: he allows me to make comfortable living, as people are 
not used to that distance, perspective, respect, and decency. Also, it 
mixes well with musical pedagogy.

Are we so addicted to the format of posting fast informal messages, that we 
loose sight of the major communicability problem that education faces, 
particularly in insecure political and anxiety ridden times where every 
message gets oversimplified in the insecure fetish to render everything 
secure and clear? I thought you and this list are immune to this media 
trend, but instead you post more, expecting it to clarify more. This is 
naive in a way I know you to be familiar with, so I remain astonished with 
your answers and pedagogical moves of late. If we don't have faith in 
ourselves we will always project negativity onto others instead of 
focussing on and enlarging the potential of new beginning. PGC

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