On 8/8/2016 10:28 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

Yes, that makes sense. But the rovers are not conscious.

Why not? Suppose they are. If you would say "yes to the doctor" then you must believe that AI is possible.

I have no reason to suppose that AI is not possible. But the Mars rovers are unlikely to be sufficiently complex/self referential to be conscious. Do they have an inner narrative?

I wrote "autonomous rover" to indicate it had AI, without committing to whether that implied consciousness. But it's interesting that you ask whether it has an inner narrative. I think that our inner narrative is a way of summarizing for memory what we think is significant so that we later learn from it by recalling it in similar circumstances. If I were designing a Mar Rover to be truly autonomous over a period of years, I would provide it some kind of episodic memory like that as part of it's learning algorithms.


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