Is electron  Wave or a Particle? It's Both, Sort Of.  .                        
" What's going on? Electrons are acting LIKE waves when they don't look 
anything like waves. What's doing the waving?"
By Paul Sutter September 30, 2019
Paul M. Sutter is an astrophysicist at The Ohio State University, host of Ask a 
Spaceman and Space Radio, and author of "Your Place in the Universe." Sutter 
contributed this article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
"The electron consists of ten wave centers at its core, which are physical 
particles, but what is measured as the electron's energy or mass is its 
standing wave structure. Therefore, it has both particle and wave features.  
....... In the 1920s, a young physicist named Louis de Broglie made a radical 
suggestion: Since light has energy, momentum and a wavelength, and matter has 
energy and momentum, maybe matter has a wavelength, too..... was de Broglie 
just horribly mistaken?"<> 
Subject: RE: Mixed State vs Superposition of States for Schrodinger's cat
[Philip Benjamin]
SORT OF !! Means wave-like not wavy particle.  AS IF Logic, Not Bothe & 
Fallacy.   Acting LIKE waves.  Both electrons and photons have momentum. 
Features do not imply ontological properties. Wave centers at its core are 
physical particles, Electron microscope and photon microscope both are based on 
the BEHAVIOR [not BEING] of particles AS waves. There is a BIG difference 
between BEHAVIOR & BEING. de Broglie was not mistaken. He used the term 
wavelike. Mystics and occultists later substituted it with waviness. Einstein 
NEVER agreed with Bohr's interpretations based on Taoism.
Wrath & anger are no solutions to ontological problems. All true sciences deal 
with epistemology, not ontology.
Philip Benjamin                                                                 
[Philip Benjamin]
Wave equation? Of what? Wavy Particles? Or Wave-like Particles? Wavy particles 
is a paradox, a puzzle, a mystic mystery!! That is how a purely scientific 
theory such as Quantum Mechanics became so confounded with absurdities and 
speculations. Puzzle in, puzzle out!! There are  and never can be wavicles, 
only particles that behave AS IF in wave forms. An AS IF Logic is all that is 
needed, not Both & Fallacy. The Schrodinger Cat was introduced only to show the 
absurdity of taking probability statistics seriously. Probabilities are not all 
possibilities. Some of these pioneers of QM were occultists, alcoholics and 
some other serious addictions. That is how the sorcerer-psychiatrist Carl Jung 
joined them. Worldviews determine scientific interpretations. Interpretations 
are not theories.  CopenPagan Interpretation (a  malaprop) is a pagan 
world-view, not scientific theory. That is how Albert Einstein strongly 
disagreed with Niels Bohr.
Philip Benjamin

Saturday, April 10, 2021 6:22 AM<> 
Subject: Re: Mixed State vs Superposition of States for Schrodinger's cat

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