Yes there are technological solutions to solve aspect of the climate 
problem. Interestingly, the republicans work tirelessly to prevent their 

[image: trump as working man champion.jpg]

On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 5:29:56 PM UTC-5 wrote:

> I question humanity's survival from a Putin initiated Nuclear Attack and 
> not the climate getting hotter. 538 can be indeed accurate, but the rising 
> violent crime rate does not seem to be illusory. For my values, drilling 
> and mining are far better, even though they lead to more, bad, climate, 
> crap.  
> Because, it is better than allowing people to die in the heat, or freeze 
> in the dark, and based on the writings of many environmentalists, they are 
> good with this, because they are "saving the earth." I get this on Reddit 
> quite often. Yes, I would agree that this is likely to be a skewed 
> sampling.  
> For climate and even Putin, there are technological fixes to be applied. 
> For expecting too much from one's fellow primates, I would invoke the 
> singing of American social philosopher, Joey Ramone. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lawrence Crowell <>
> To: Everything List <>
> Sent: Sun, Jul 17, 2022 9:30 am
> Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.
> On Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 3:08:30 AM UTC-5 telmo wrote:
> Am So, 17. Jul 2022, um 08:52, schrieb spudboy100 via Everything List:
> I will use another democratic party media source as my contention that 
> violent crime has risen.  
> Denver 7 (one of yours LC)
> and, with other local dem sources I will continue-
> So, everybody, even in the hoods are wrong about violent crime, but white 
> liberals are correct because, people are racist, and racism, and bad, and 
> Trump too! On this one, LC you need to be selling your fellow democratic 
> voters say, the UAW, rather than me. 
> Yes, fuck official statistics! Let us rely instead on a bunch of 
> cherry-picked news items that mention local perceptions of increase in 
> violent crime without providing any evidence that this is the case. And let 
> us connect all this to the only thing that matters: political tribalism.
> Telmo
> That was why I posted the 538 article. That is usually pretty credible.
> Biden and the dems are going to get snagged on the fuel prices in 2022 
> elections. Never mind it has little to do with policies, and much to do 
> with supply chain failures with the pandemic and now the Russo-Ukraine war. 
> As per below with the decision to stop the pipeline, even if that were 
> running at full capacity now, which would not be possible, it would have 
> small impact on the price of oil. The price of oil is set on an 
> international market scale, not regionally or nationally. This is a mantra 
> that keeps going, drill-baby-drill, and keeps unthinking people going to 
> the polls to pull the GOP lever. 
> To be honest this is why I really question whether humanity can survive. 
> We need to get off the carbon energy cycle, and this summer is a serious 
> scorcher. But, people will not think and by the time we really take action 
> it will probably be too late. I even suspect that if humanity is this 
> greedy and stupid then maybe it is all good riddance to bad rubbish.
> LC
> On energy policy Joey did what liberals around the world did with 
> renewables, kicked the can down the road to 2050 for the glorious day of 
> netzero. Joey used the Bureau of Land Management via Ex orders to halt 
> drilling. You don't think Vlad didn't see this and decided not to take 
> advantage?* Because Joey and Merkel were uncaring fools *doesn't mean 
> everyone is so ideologically blind. Joey had both the senate and the house 
> and did jack shit. I don't think even in this era of shortages Joey is 
> willing in an emergency, to allow drilling because, liberals want to save 
> the earth, and nuclear war with Putin is surely no existential threat to us 
> now, is it?? No, of course not!
> Refute Kerkorian's facts please?
> The bottom line is that unless you get El Schmucko to modify his policies 
> in a major way, November will not be a good time to be a loyal Democrat.  
> One glint of light for your team LC, is the cancellation of Roe v Wade, 
> which will galvanize many women. We'll see. 
> On what I'd reco for energy, nobody asked. The sad thing is when the 
> Liberals renewables are always a day late and a dollar short with actually 
> installing these in read this, sufficient amounts, all we humans have is 
> drill, baby, drill. What else are you guys offering besides vaporware? 
> By the way, in the UK they do wind farms off the coast of Scotland, and 
> the Australians are very big into EV's and Tesla roofs and PowerWalls, 
> hint-hint. Try to get Joey's attention maybe, rather than just defend him? 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lawrence Crowell <>
> To: Everything List <>
> Sent: Sat, Jul 16, 2022 6:49 pm
> Subject: Re: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.
> When it comes to crime rising please read: 
> As for inflation that was starting to take off 2 years ago. In the fall of 
> 2020 the surge in prices started. This was because supply chain bottlenecks 
> had appeared that summer, remember t'Rump was president then, and odd 
> shortages began to occur. Now, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine the 
> bottlenecks in fuel and food have worsened. As for energy policy, yeah I 
> know that to you people anything beside drill baby drill is considered dumb.
> LC
> On Saturday, July 16, 2022 at 5:22:50 PM UTC-5 wrote:
> John, be thankful for answered prayers. Because, the behavior of my team, 
> conservatives, it will help your team out at the polls in 22 & 24. 
> Consider, that it will help you Democrats limit damage from your voters. It 
> will energize, and mobilize your voter base. It will be a thing to decry 
> against us, right? Thus, for this reason alone, it will be a stop-loss on 
> voters hating-on Joey, and his inflation, crime rise, energy dumbness, etc, 
> that will cost votes. Savvy? It will generate reverse-action against Bible 
> Belt governors, attorneys, politicians.  
> I mean, Team Dem, would have given me(had I been da boss) a platter full 
> of election wins, before this overturn. 
> In this way, Young Padawan, Balance has returned to the force, or in Our 
> case, The Farce. 
> Can I hear an amen from the Atheists' Choir??
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Clark <>
> To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <>
> Sent: Sat, Jul 16, 2022 8:18 am
> Subject: Do you have a right to travel? Republicans say no.
> The overturn of Roe v Wade by Trump's stooges on the Supreme Court has 
> emboldened Republicans (a.k.a. anti-Democrats) to make further restrictions 
> on the rights of individuals, now they want to restrict the right to travel 
> too. Peter Breen, a member of the Anti-democratic Party of Missouri, wants 
> legislation that will enable Missouri police to arrest anybody in the state 
> that broke state law even if the act was committed in another state in 
> which that activity was legal; Breen says *“Just because you jump across 
> a state line doesn’t mean your home state doesn’t have jurisdiction, it’s 
> not a free abortion card when you drive across the state line.*”   
> Anti-democrats have been pushing hard for similar legislation in Texas, 
> Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Dakota and in virtually every state that has a 
> legislature controlled by Anti-democrats. It would not surprise me in the 
> least if in the near future the Supreme Court, which is full of judges 
> appointed by Anti-democratic presidents, decrees that even though such laws 
> restrict interstate commerce, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, 
> those laws are nevertheless 100% constitutional. It sort of reminds me of 
> the court's Dred Scott decision of 1857 which said it's legal for White 
> people in slave states to kidnap Black people in free states and drag them 
> back into a slave state.  And that decision put the nation on the road to 
> the Civil War. 
> Despite this extreme anti-libertarian attitude members of the Libertarian 
> Party have for over a decade made it very clear that they prefer 
> Anti-democrats more than Democrats, and that's why I no longer feel 
> comfortable calling myself a libertarian. 
> Antiabortion lawmakers want to block patients from crossing state lines 
> <>
> Roe’s gone. Now antiabortion lawmakers want more. 
> <>
>  John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
> <>
> h2n
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