On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 5:10 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> The last question first (3) I am a conservative in the sense of being a
> nationalist because it seems to work better than the globalism, and the
> rule of corporations which bribe politicians with campaign donations.*

And apparently you believe the best way to reduce the amount of bribery the
super ultra mega rich heads of corporations engage in is to oppose any
attempt by the Democrats to increase the taxes on those very same super
ultra mega rich corporate heads. That does not compute.

> > * me no trust da billionaires,*

So you want to protect those billionaires that you don't trust from the
Democrats who want to tax them more so they  become only ultra mega rich
and not super ultra mega rich. Explain that to me because I don't quite
follow your logic.

> > Buchanan once wanted Bush the Elder not to do Desert Storm because,
> "Iraq is just like North Korea!"

It turned out the Elder Bush was right about the Kuwait War but his son was
wrong about the Iraq War, dead wrong.

*> Yes, I am opposed to the Holy Rollers restricting travel for any
> reason.  *

I'm glad to hear it, now I must ask if you think people should have
autonomy over their own bodies or should politicians in Washington have the
final say about that?

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

> I hope you're right but I don't think you are. 2024 is too far in the
> future to make political predictions that are worth a damn, but I think the
> Democrats are gonna lose control of both the House and the Senate in the
> midterm election this year, the Antidemocrats are going to triumph.
> Unemployment is the lowest it's been in years and the dollar is the
> strongest it's been in a generation, but gas prices are high and even
> though neither the president nor the Congress has much influence over that
> they are the ones in power so they are the ones who are going to get blamed.
> And to many people, and to all Republicans, knocking a dollar off the
> price of a gallon of gas is more important than the US Constitution, and
> more important than the right to travel and the right to have autonomy over
> your own body, in particular the right to control your own womb if you have
> one, and more important than the right to put any chemical you wish into
> your body to relieve chronic excruciating unrelenting white hot pain if you
> are dying. And Republicans believe low gas prices are more important than
> the most important right of all, the right to die if you wish to die.
> I have to admit Biden is not totally blameless for the current high rate
> of inflation, on the very first day of his presidency he should've
> eliminated by Executive Order all the Trump era tariffs, which are paid for
> by Americans not by foreign countries, but for some reason that makes no
> economic sense some of them are still in place.
> *> It will generate reverse-action against Bible Belt governors,
> attorneys, politicians. *
> If only it were that simple and that logical! Roy Moore, a Bible thumping
> judge in Alabama, the heart of the Bible Belt, came within a hair's breadth
> of becoming a US Senator even though convincing evidence was available that
> he was a pedophile. This happened for two reasons:
> 1) On the ballot he had a "R" next to his name not a "D".
> 2) He may have been a pedophile but he was a Bible thumping pedophile, and
> that makes all the difference.
> I will close by asking you 3 questions.
> 1) Mr. Spudboy, do you think you should have the right to travel?
> 2) Being "conservative" means you wanna keep on doing things the way
> they've always been done, so I understand why conservatives oppose the
> Democrats when they try to increase taxes on the super ultra mega rich and
> why conservatives want to keep them very low as they've always been, but
> what is "conservative" about radically changing the way we've handled
> abortions for the last half century?
> 3) What exactly are conservatives trying to conserve?
> ngc
> h

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