On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> Mandrake is a glibc-based distribution.
> But while we're on it . . .
> Netscape crashes left and right on me under Mandrake 7.0, though it's
> not Mandrake-specific; it started crashing all the time when I upgraded
> my RedHat 6.1 distribution to X 3.3.6.
> Are other people running into this?  Is it fixed in Netscape 4.72?
> Anybody have a clue?

Well, I have troubles here and there with specific web sites.  Curiously, when
I had available a windows system for comparison recently, I discovered that
some web sites crash netscape, period.  Most of those are easy to detect.... 
Netscape crashes and kfm doesn't.  Poorly-written microsoft-compatible
Javascript seems to be the culprit.  Other sites with complicated "ASP's" run
fine until you try to do something real then fade away.  

Examples:  (N4.61 under LM 6.0, shockwave and plugger added)  

www.angelfire.com Hostile Javascript in pop-up ads.
www.compgeeks.com  --  works til you try to place an order.
www.computergate.com  -- tested with MS Windows Netscape, StarOffice (both
OSes) and others.  SO gets you farther than Netscape, but to place an order you
MUST use MSIE.  My business volume with them has dropped 100%.

Oh well, hostile websites can crash Netscape, and hostile websites can destroy
a computer running MSIE under any version of windows in a single step.  You
pays your time and effort and $ and you takes your chances.....  

Of course, the hostility for Netscape is inadvertent through the ignorance of
the web developers and the foolishness of their managers, and for MSIE it is
deliberately set up by the webmaster, but the *capacity* for hostility to
Netscape was also deliberately developed, according to the findings of one US
Federal judge.

If someone with enough bandwidth to DL this monster (N 4.72) would be so kind as
to try these sites....  I doubt if anything will change, but....


> -- 
> I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
> I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.babbleon.org .
> I support http://www.eff.org & http://www.programming-freedom.org .
> I boycott amazon.com.  See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/amazon.html .

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