> I did read your problem.  Perhaps you should read it again.  You say
> "cannot install (CLEAN)" yet nowhere in the message above, quoted so
> you can read what you wrote in the first place, doesn't once mention
> the word "clean".  Yes I see you wrote "... don't work and machines
> that run perfectly with 7.0 but don't install/run 7.1..", *that* I
> understood.  Nowhere did you mention clean.  Perhaps if you'd like a
> little help you could drop the attitude please?

I did not mention it because it does not matter. I get the same error in
both cases. You have not answered why I get the error about the setting up
file systems. Here I copy the error again.

The ACTUAL ERROR shown when I exit install is as follows:

Entering Step "'Setup filesystems'
error resetting /mnt/etc/mtab at usr/bin/perl-install/fs.pm line 313

Is there ANY way to upgrade manually that is reasonable to do. I could boot
to version 7 and do it if it is a reasonable thing to do..

I think you would have to agree that it is frustrating to buy the
distribution and then not be able to use it when I was able to use the
previous on the same machine. I can't do anything to help until I have it
installed can I?

> > I also keep losing my mouse after adding the things for Wheel Mouse.
> You never mentioned this before.  Now we see one of the "problems"
> you mention.  Perhaps try downgrading your version of imwheel to the

The wheel mouse works so poorly that it is not wroth bothering with at this
time. It moves too far on each turn and there is no adjustment like there is
in the intellimouse software under windows. It also only works in root. I
don't think the user should have to go through so much to get something
working that is supposed to work out of the box. If I were using the cooler
version I could understand, but the distribution is at most a beta at this

> do you mean by "losing my mouse"?  Does it disappear?  Does it
> freezer in one spot on the screen?  How do you correct the problem?
> Do you reboot?  Do you log out then back in to get it to work again?

I mean there is no mouse cursor and I have no way to do anything in KDE that
needs a mouse (almost everything) so I have to reboot and them it often
comes back. I finally removed all of the configuration things for the wheel
mouse and it seems ok now, another reason to forget about it.

> Do you restart the X server and it works?

No as there is no way to do this when the gui is up and you have no mouse.
That is another problem, Ctl Alt Backspace does not go to the shell, KDE
comes back up, still no mouse. Even when the mouse is working the only way
to get to the shell is to change the boot mode and reboot.

> it would be nice to have it work straight out of the box, I agree.
> But is it really that difficult to tell Mandrake, during the install,

But if you miss it during the install you are out of luck unless you know
what to change it what configuration file. The documentation is hard to find
if it exists for such tings. The help files should tell you exactly what to
do with every config file. AIX which is the IBM version of UNIX is VERY good
with this. I have used AIX and have very few problems. It is vastly superior
to Linux.

> As far as the wheel mouse being setup automatically... is it
> connected via PS/2 or USB?  You have to remember that for a lot of

It is a PS/2 mouse, that should work at the very least as it is the
ubiquitous form of the mouse.

> this hardware stuff, people have to reverse engineer drivers or write
> their own in order to use them which makes Linux's compatability with
> hardware sometimes tricky.  Yes, it's gotten much better than it used

This I understand but it makes it very tough on the users.

> > My desktop sucks. The ICON are partly hidden by the menu bar at the top.
> So?  Move them!  When I installed, it made links for every connected
> device... CD-ROMs, ZIP drives, etc.  I don't want those icons on my

I do move them but the problem is they do not stay moved they just go back
to the default place on the next boot. That needs to be fixed too. I
certainly am not going to move them all every BOOT. Actually I found a
refresh desktop fixes it up pretty well or moving the bar form the top down
to the bottom, but it is sort t of frustrating and not well done.

> > Many little things like this that do not happen in 7.0. I am pretty much
> > ready to give up on 7.0 AND ON MANDRAKE  if this does not
> improve soon. It

Actually I meant give up on 7.1. Version 7 probably will do all that I need.
I am actually using it only to get familiar with it and not as my main OS.
that will never happen at home at this rate. It is much more likely that
Windows 2000 will fill that spot. If not, probably just stay with WIN98.

> While I agree that the beta testing period for 7.1 could have been
> longer, my experiences with 7.1 do not lead me to the same degree of
> That is certain. It should not have been released as a final in the state
it is in. I would rather wait. I and others have wasted huge amounts of time
with this distribution.

> Really... maybe you should read what *I* write instead of being so
> self-absorbed.  I was giving you *my* experiences.  7.1 works
> flawlessly for *me* on three different machines.  What conclusion

I don't because you insinuate that your experience is what all should
expect. Not true, not even close.

> Did the lack of Mandrake detected the full amount of RAM and not
> auto-detect a wheel mouse prevent you from completing an install?

\No, the thing that prevented the install is MUCH MORE SERIOUS and listed
above. That is the main thing to answer here.

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