On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > > Entering Step "'Setup filesystems'
> > > error resetting /mnt/etc/mtab at usr/bin/perl-install/fs.pm line 313
> >
> > Hmmm...  I think this is a problem with partition tables, like
> > Civilme mentioned.  Did you try re-partitioning the drive with the
> > installer?
> >
> I did not do this because I cannot even get that far. I also must use PM
> because your partition utility will not give me the needed FAT32 partitions
> for DOS and Windows. If PM 5 will not work then I am in big trouble. I also
> use Boot Magic. That also must work, LILO cannot do all I need and not
> nearly as nicely.

You can install BM later, and I wonder if you have tried GRUB.  Anyway, why
won't it give you a FAT32 partition?  Why not in fact partition the whole disk
FAT32 with PM and then let the installer resize the FAT32 partition and set up
the others AFTER you have installed Windows?

I have of course tried setting up FAT32/vfat partitioning with the installer
and was able to make it work.  Of course, installing Windows later overwrote
the boot sector and I had to use a startup disk and DrakBoot to set up the boot

Anyway, your approach is defeating you.  Try reading here how to install.


(Ummm Mandrake folks, could we make the documentation link about 36 point and
blinking in annoying colors on the main page?

> I may try to see if I can find a way to partition with the installer to see
> what happened but I did redo the entire drive with PM and if that is the
> problem WHY did it work PERFECTLY on 7.0 and continues to work perfectly on
> 7.0.

Because ext2 has been enhanced of late, and of course the PM you have is still
the same as when you bought it.

> > > Is there ANY way to upgrade manually that is reasonable to do.
> > I could boot
> > > to version 7 and do it if it is a reasonable thing to do..
> >
> > There probably is, by manually upgrading each RPM and following
> > dependencies.  This probably isn't your (or my) idea of good time,
> > however.
> >
> NOOP that is all I could think of. :-)
> >
> > I hadn't see or replied to), left me with very little to go on.  I
> > simply saw a "bash Mandrake" message and responded to it.
> >
> Not really intended that way.
> >
> > Just out of curiousity, but are you trying this with XFree86 4 or
> > 3.3.6?  And, again, you have to remember that hardware like the
> > intellimouse was designed for Windows and we have to figure out a way
> Version 3.3.6.
> >
> > So you can use the mouse as a regular mouse, you just can't use the
> > scrolling wheel?  When imwheel is running is when you have all the
> > problems?
> >
> True.
> > However, if you need to get to a shell prompt, just press "Alt-F1"
> > and you will get a shell prompt.  You don't need to change the boot
> > mode and reboot if all you want is the console.  I switch back and
> > forth from X to the console all the time without rebooting my
> > machine.
> >
> Thanks for that tip. All could find was the other sequence.
> There should really be an option on the GUI for this.
Actually ctrl-alt-f2 through ctrl-alt-f6 also allow you to log into consoles
and ctrl-alt-f7 returns to GUI.

> > > > it would be nice to have it work straight out of the box, I agree.
> > > > But is it really that difficult to tell Mandrake, during the install,
> > >
> No, I have done that but it did not seem to work. Maybe it was my
> imagination. It is very hard to tell what it thinks it has.
> >
> > I've never had the opportunity to look at AIX, but it certainly
> > sounds like the documentation is better than what came with OS/2.
> > For most of OS/2 you were more in the dark or had far more cryptic
> > documentation than with Linux.  Looks like they must have done
> > something right with AIX.
> Yes they did. The sales of the RS 6000 servers are going through the roof.
> They can't make enough of them here in Rochester.
> >
> > > > this hardware stuff, people have to reverse engineer drivers or write
> > > > their own in order to use them which makes Linux's compatability with
> > > > hardware sometimes tricky.  Yes, it's gotten much better than it used
> > >
> And I guess that is the problem. I hope you can realize that I cannot be
> expected to be happy when all of my nice hardware does not work or does not
> work well.
> Diamond monster sound card.
> HP Scan Jet 5100C
> Yamaha CD Writer
> Intellimouse
> Viper II video (I sewitced to the 3dfx Voodoo 3 and that wroks but no
> accelerated in 7.0 )
> HP 855C Desk Jet  (works but not ver well)
> And it goes on. Until I get support for this not so esoteric hardware it is
> gooing to be hard to liek Linux. Only the VIPER II could be caleed cutting
> edge, and perhaps the Intellimouse. Nevertheless, I love my mouse and will
> not long use what does not fully support it. You get used to teh wheel and
> can't live without it.
> >
> > > > > My desktop sucks. The ICON are partly hidden by the menu
> > bar at the top.
> > the top down
> > > to the bottom, but it is sort t of frustrating and not well done.
> >
> > This is extremely odd.  Now, I gather you're using KDE, right?  I
> > don't use KDE much myself but perhaps it's a permission issue?  Do
> Certainly not a permission thing. It does the same thing as root.
> >
> > Well, I sincerely hope that doesn't happen.  I've never been much of
> > a Windows users.. before Linux I used OS/2 exclusively.  But I do
> > have a Win98 machine and am totally unimpressed with it.  It causes
> > me more grief than the other 5 Linux Mandrake computers combined.  I
> > hope we can resolve these issues for you so you don't have to resign
> > yourself to WinSomething-or-Other.
> >
>  One problem is the hardware support, that is true. Perhaps even more sever
> is the hidden cost of application replacement.
> There are no appoications I knwo of to replace with anything close to the
> saem fucntiona  lot fo my applications. If I give up on windows and switch
> to Linux I lose the Hundresd of dollars I have spent. I also lose those
> enteirylthat have no replacement. A very good thign to have would be a cross
> reference list with as many widow apps as possible and the Linux replaement.
> ThZAT woudl go a long way to help IF the things you need are there and IF
> they are free, so much the better.
> Here is my shor tlist of MUS THACE applications. I ahve looked for
> replcaements and have not found anytgh to satisfy.
> Truetty       Sound card RTTY and AMTOR
> Digipan       Sound Card PSK31
> Zakanaka      Sound Card PSK31
> Hellschreiber Another digial mode for the sound card
> Logic 5       A logging and radio control program
> QRZ           CDROM callbook
Search "Ham radio" on www.freshmeat.net or http://gci.linux.tucows.com or
www.davecentral.com or www.linuxstart.com


> Mapping and GPS use
> Fugawi 3      Process digital maps and use with GPS as moving map software
> G7towin       Up and download tracks and waypoints to my Garmin GPS 12/XL
> Cartographer  Create digital maps for my Palm Pilot. Now can use it with GPS
> as moving map.
> Street Atlas  Street amps of the entire US
LinuxCAD can do most of this, but again search the sites.

> Office and Games
> Usoft Office  The undisputed standard. Maybe not the technical best but it
> has the market.

And some other packages are interoperable with those files and have similar
capabilities.  StarOffice 5.2 can (mostly) read your Word and PowerPoint and
Excel files  and write them as well, and the price is right.  Also, it just
went open-source, so thousands of pairs of eyes are added to the debugging
crew.  KOffice is coming along nicely and is producing filters for Office files
and if you have seen the betas, you will be excited.

 >               I also have a big investment here to lose if I
switch to > Wordperfect or others.
Win4Lin at $49 is for people who don't want to switch for critical apps but
nevertheless would like to run linux.

> Fritz6        The best chess program in the world for the PC. So good it has
> beaten the
>               world champion at fast chess.
> IE5.5         MUCH better than Netscape.

Konqueror can be expected out of Beta in September and it is light and sleek
compared to the resource hogging NS and MSIE.  And of course if you run MSIE
(any version), there are hostile sites out there which will destroy your
computer in a single step if you click on them (or run arbitrary commands
passed by the site).  And there is little or nothing MS can do about that
because MSIE is too closely integrated with windows.

> Outlook       The best mail application in my opinion.

Kmail2 Offers at least te same functionality plus some neat "lagniappe"
features besides.  And it is still developing at linux speed.

> Outlook Express The best news reader in my opinion.
> Quicken and Money  Nothing even close in Linux that I know of.
Provendk is an app that will compete with quickbooks and is even simpler to
use.  It costs something.  AppGen is for professional accounting.

Moneydance and Gnucash are around as well--Not equal to their MS counterparts
because the resources for development aren't there and most programmers find it
more interesting to hack ofn a cranky scanner.


> Now I may ask too much but I need all of these things. LINUX therefore is
> free and it is not. It is not because I lose all of those things and all of
> the time to try to get it to work.

You don't have to lose any of it, as is pointed out above.  But if you are so
tied (slaved ) to MS software, then why try linux at all?  I must assume there
are things about MS that are also making you unhappy.


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