Larry, something that while it might not help a lot, at least will
provide a reason for whats happened.  Unix/Linux is a different way of
thinking to MS.  It depends a lot on "knowing" where to go for
documentation (i.e., standard places on the system) and be able to go
from there.  MS does a lot of handholding (which in my opinion is better
for the user!, wake up Linuxworld, we need good help docs).  Looking
from the outside, your problems stem from expecting documentation/help
to be presented in the MS way - sorry, but aint gonna happen here!

For vmware, the install should have given you a set of (excellent) html
docs accessable from the help button on the VM window.  "man vmware"
gives a good basic intro - a standard unix "thing", dont know something,
so type "man keyword" or "man -K search_for_Keyword", and obviously to a
unix person, "man man" for help on help.  "/usr/doc/vmware" has some
basic files including an excellent readme for problems, again a standard
place for docs.  If all else fails, do a "find / -name vmware\*" as root
and check out all the obvious files it returns until you know how its

Its all very well for someone to say RTFM, but you do have to know where
to find it first!


Larry Marshall wrote:

> Thanks to all who have helped me fumble my way into this.  I still found
> it a struggle to find the documentation on the website.  It's unclear to
> me why they don't just put the help point directly on the
> documentation.  They dump me onto the main page which has absolutely no
> reference to it.  In fact, I can't find a reference to the documentation
> anywhere but in their site map.

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