> Larry, something that while it might not help a lot, at least will
> provide a reason for whats happened.  Unix/Linux is a different way of
> thinking to MS.  It depends a lot on "knowing" where to go for

Yes...and that's fine.  And as long as the Linux world doesn't want to
dominate the individual desktop market, there's no reason to change
that.  But that's NOT what they're saying; in fact they're saying exactly
the opposite.  If they want to move onto the desktop they're going to have
to make it a lot more stable, a lot more predictable and they're going to
have to stop breaking installations every time they release a product.   

Documentation just won't do it.  Until there's an adherence to simple
things like file location standards and until making the programs
bullet-proof rather than glitzy, we're going to have a bunch of stuff
hanging on top of a rock-solid Linux that's just going to frustrate
people.  My "maintenance" time has gone up by a couple orders of magnitude
relative to Windows.  How many people are going to deal with that when
their goal isn't to play with computer but rather get their work done.

I know it's not popular to say such things in a Linux conference but
please understand, I love Linux.  I'm just disappointed that it's no
easier to operate this Linux than it was to operate Solaris 5 years ago.  
In many respects it's harder as we're dealing with a much looser
development model.

> For vmware, the install should have given you a set of (excellent) html
> docs accessable from the help button on the VM window.  "man vmware"

This is my fault...or almost.    I've got it running, MS Office seems to
work, my CAD system won't install and I'm going to have to go back to the
docs to figure out how to get access to my documents. 

> gives a good basic intro - a standard unix "thing", dont know something,
> so type "man keyword" or "man -K search_for_Keyword", and obviously to a
> unix person, "man man" for help on help.  "/usr/doc/vmware" has some

<grin>  I've typed man yyyy more times than I can reveal Bill.

> Its all very well for someone to say RTFM, but you do have to know where
> to find it first!

This was my problem with vmware.  You're right, though, the manual is

Cheers --- Larry

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