i also run win98se, and that doesn't seem to be as "crash-y," or at least, not
these kinds of crashes.  my ram is fine, the cpu shouldn't have a heat
problem...  not with the side open like i usually keep it.  and the usb has
never been a problem.

as to the questions.

1)there doesn't seem to be a pattern to the crashing.  at first i thought it
had to do with xmms (i'm always listening to something) but it doesn't always
crash when xmms is running and xmms isn't always running when it crashes.

2)i'm running kde7.2, usually in KDE2.  this is from the downloaded disk,
maximum install.  all packages.

3)what am i doing?  well, usually when it crashes i'm screaming at it, "what's
wrong with you????"  before it crashes, it can be anything.  it might have to
do with X, but i wouldn't know cos i usually don't spend whole sessions
strictly in console.

4)can i log into my own system via telnet?  i've tried, but it never seems to
work.  it's usually crashed by the time i get back.

5)has it always crashed?  is it getting more frequent?  well, it only crashes
like this in linux, and it seems to be pretty intermittent.  i was online for
about 5 hours with no problem, then i set xmms to run and lull me off to
sleep.  after about 20 minutes it froze.  today i was trying to log out of
kde2 and it said "logging out" and then it was frozen, X still proudly

6)i can still boot in win98 and it only crashes when ....  well, we're talking
windows.  but those are the ones i'm used to.  :)

7)to the best of my knowledge, neither i nor my pc have ever been to jersey.
but i've seen the whole jersey trilogy and dogma, but that's a whole other

8)i wouldn't mind having a turtle, but i'd rather have a cat.  but the dorms
frown on pets.

thanks for the help.

michael j. rogers.

Gavin Clark wrote:

> it could be LOTS of things. it could be some sort of hardware problem like
> bad ram, a screwy hard drive, CPU overheating, or a bad USB chip.
> to get useful help you'll want to come up with as much detail as you can:
> is there any pattern to the crashing?
> what software are you running?
> what are you doing?
> can you log in via telnet or get web pages from another machine?
> has it always crashed or did it just start?
> is it getting worse or more frequent?
> can you boot it into another OS and does it crash then?
> was the computer ever in New Jersey?
> do you have a turtle?
> the more the better.
> good luck,
> G
> on 11/19/00 10:25 PM, michael rogers  wrote:
> > i'm absolutely clueless.  linux simply likes to crash on me.  7.1 and
> > 7.2 have both been doing it and i don't know why.  and the thing i love
> > about linux is the stability!
> >
> > so, if anyone knows where such things are logged by the system, or if i
> > need to turn logging on, or what could possibly doing this, i'll love
> > you forever.  if need be i'll supply a list of my hardware, etc.  but
> > geez!
> >
> > when it crashes, it DIES.  i have an MS intellimouse optical, the
> > 5-button mouse with the 'purdy' red light, and when it dies, even the
> > light goes out.  the display still shows, but there is no response,
> > coma-style.
> >
> > help, please.
> > michael j. rogers.
> >
> >
> >
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